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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Vox Box archive for Jan. 2009

THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 2009

Video of the Week 

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cPresident Yo-Yo MaColbert at ChristmasColbert Christmas DVDGreen ScreenBill O'Reilly Interview Due to the bungling of the presidential oath during the inauguration, there have been some who question whether or not Obama is in fact president. Colbert's solution? Whoever…

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No more WASL! 

Congratulations, Washington State students between the grades of 3 and 12! Straight from Olympia comes the news that this year will be our very last WASLing year ever. Here's one of many articles about it from the Seattle Times.That's the good news. The bad news…

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A new war?: Palin vs. Press...

Palin Bites Back... 21 

Gossip, rumors, and false stories, o my! - But not for Gov. Sarah Palin, former Republican VP candidate. She's started a new campaign; a personal war against the press.Rumors are surrounding many aspects of the Palin family, spanning from her daughter's pregnancy and high school…

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 2009

Casey Pilgeram at inauguration ceremonies Jan. 20.   (The Spokesman-Review)

Casey made it out okay! 

I had a few loyal readers email and ask today if Casey made it out of D.C. okay. Yup! She is back at school safe and sound. They had to take refuge at a post office when Union Square closed down, but she made it…

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Freedom of Speech or Something Else? 11 

Photo from weblogs.newsday.comI came across an interesting topic in government class today, and since it has the potential to become controversial I just knew I had to post it (okay, I wanted to see what your responses were to it as well).The big topic? Should…

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The Daily Show's Inauguration summary 

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10cChangefest '09 - Obama's InaugurationBarack Obama InterviewJohn McCain InterviewSarah Palin VideoFunny Election VideoI haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Especially the part about Cheney... Enjoy!

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Remembering Cheney sophomore Lorissa Green

S-R photographer Colin Mulvany covered the candlelight vigil honoring Cheney High School student Lorissa Green who died Friday Jan. 16, 2009 in a two-vehicle accident in the intersection of highway 195 and Cheney- Spokane road.We wanted to post the video here, also, because we assume…

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What's in a name? 15 

4,050 dollars, apparently.From the looks of the eBay page, someone sold the naming rights for her unborn baby — and two pairs of Nike Air baby booties — for $4,050. She doesn’t care what name the bidder chooses, but hopes it’s not one that will…

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2009 Inaugurations sets video-streaming record 

According to Akami technologies, Obama's inauguration yesterday failed to surpass all-time internet traffic records, what it did do was mark the most simultaneous streaming-video viewers in the Web's history.About 7.7 million video streams, primarily live, were being viewed at peak time on Tuesday. Demand was…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 20, 2009

"The Prom of Politics" 17 

That is what my friend Lisa calls the ball tonight. Personally, I don't "get" the "first dance" thing. It reminds me of a wedding, and I find that odd...But they all look so pretty. If they want to live it up, I'm ok with that.QUESTION:…

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One more from Rael... 

Rael may have meant this just for me, but I'm posting it because I love her observations..."I am having left overs of the best pad thai I've ever had, but the experience is bittersweet if Casey is still freezing her derriere at Union Station with…

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A Day of Nonpartisanship? 

Despite the generally festive and nonpartisan mood in Washington today, one Texas senator is in a business-as-usual mood. Hillary Clinton will not be sworn in as Obama’s Secretary of State because one Republican senator, John Cornyn, has indicated that he plans block a move to…

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Random Obama Fact... 

Obama is Left-handed. Just thought I'd throw that in there. I discovered this while I was reading a CNN Article a little bit ago. The article discussed the three proclamations that Obama will sign today. (that's really why I'm posting this...) a proclamation declaring today…

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Rael waves good bye...  17 

Another update from Rael..."George W. Bush's helicopter circled the National Mall before departingfor Andrews Air Force Base, and as I watched news footage of hisdeparture, I asked myself, "Could I make it?"As luck (and geography) would have it, the rooftop deck of myapartment has views…

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Use of the word "I" 33 

The commentators have begun. They are noting Obama used the word "I" only three times in his acceptance speech--An acceptance speech record.QUESTION: Does this matter to you? Why?

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High costs=High entertainment for this year's inauguration...( (Jo2 O'donald / Digital)

Party with a Cost... 

Record-breaking, (wallet-breaking), monumental, (exponential): All describing the cost of President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration gala."Unemployment is up. The stock market is down. Let's party," describes Associated Press. The cost of the even is expected to break records, some estimating it's price to reach as high as…

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More musings from Rael...

"Interested in public service? Study Obama's inaugural address. Listento it on Youtube. Read a transcript on LexusNexus. Ignore your political preferences and your biases and just listen to how he addresses uncertainly and foreshadows pending policies in his own voice and with what I believe…

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Got Facebook? Check the updates... 

From Rael:The musical composition of John Williams is incredibly beautiful, andsums up the occasion in ways better than a blog post or news reportever could. Fabulous with a capitol F in my book.If you want an interesting take on the inauguration, check out yourFacebook profile…

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Wrapping Up the Prayer... 11 

Rick Warren, leading nearly two million people for the prayer prior to President Elect Barack Obama's inaguration, just uttered a very controversial word..."Amen."Warren, 'Orange County mega-pastor and bestselling author', (as described by The LA Times), was an interesting choice for this job. Proposition 8, California's…

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In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at

Blog Archives

Jan. 2009
31 30 29 28 27
26 25 24 23 22
21 20 19 17 16
15 14 13 12 11
09 08 07 06 05
04 03 02 01