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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883



Luna recall alive, kicking

Concerning the 2012 Luna recall: Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated. The Luna recall now has new faces, new energy and new tactics. Our website,, has been simplified and improved. More importantly, the Idaho Secretary of State’s Office has extended the deadline to begin the Luna recall to July 3. This gives us several additional weeks to plan and organize.

On April 30, we took delivery on 10,000 “” bumper stickers and are distributing them statewide. We’ll use texting and Twitter ( to direct folks to them. You may ask, why spend more time and money to recall Luna when the three referendums to repeal the “Luna Laws” will be on the Nov. 6 ballot?

Even if all three referendums should pass, Luna still has two and a half years to continue his assault on students, parents and teachers in Idaho. Teachers are leaving Idaho and teaching faster than fleas jumping off a dead dog, while Luna remains as disconnected and as arrogant as ever.

Let’s remove Luna while we still have public schools in Idaho.

Pete Peterson

Luna Recall Committee


For-profit care is sickening

I thank God for a healthy family because it certainly isn’t the care given to us by the health-maintenance organizations. I give up!

The for-profit American health corporations have left us beleaguered. We tried to play by their rules; almost $700 every month just to keep our names in the computer, $500 deductible for each family member when we did need care, and the amounts increased almost every year. We’re done.

We can no longer afford this extortion. Over $8,000 paid year after year and yet we are still treated like numbered cattle. Physicians can change codes on insurance forms to better increase profits, or suggest another doctor be consulted, which can result in bills from two physicians. Emergency room visits often bankrupt a middle-income family.

We expect more from other services; why not our health care providers? It’s enough to make you sick.

Christopher Micek


Keep recreational park

What it all comes down to: a scenic park versus a recreation park, and the cost to taxpayers.

It is crucial for taxpayers, when asked to sign a petition – either for or against – that the first question should be the cost.

Originally, the Coeur d’Alene City Council, after listening to protests against, voted 5-1 (Ron Edinger opposed) to spend $39 million for a remake of McEuen Field. (The $14.2 million now passed by the council is only the first phase.)

Of equal importance to cost is what is best for everyone: a scenic park or a recreational park (as it is now) that encourages kids, elders and families to get off the couch, stop playing computer games and lose pounds.

A great tennis court, added to the kids’ and American Legion ball field that leads up to hiking on Tubbs Hill, would rate a 5-star in Coeur d’Alene and North Idaho.

Lillian Moore Lind

Coeur d’Alene

Don’t support Spencer

There are people who run for election who have a personal ax to grind rather than a public-service motive. Larry Spencer demonstrates that while running for Kootenai County commissioner. In a letter to me, he uses a liberal dose of “could,” “maybe,” “possibly,” instead of facts in the opposition to the land use plan that is in its final stages.

In meetings I attended, Spencer endorsed the position of a local developer. Those positions were detrimental to the waterfront and to the shallow water environment. Good development can be environmentally beneficial. However, Spencer’s positions at several public hearings were opposed to any regulatory approach to protecting the shallow-water spawning areas and fish that live in the near-shore habitat.

When asked where he lived, Spencer replied, “I live within 30 miles of Hayden Lake.” Anyone who evades the question of residency status does not demonstrate the requirement of transparency by elected officials.

Therefore I urge the residents of Kootenai County to vote for Alan Green for county commissioner on Tuesday.

Hobart G. Jenkins

Bayview, Idaho

Where does Spencer vote?

Where have you lived and voted, Larry?

In the Coeur d’ Alene Press April voters pamphlet, Larry Spencer, Kootenai County Commission candidate, described his lifelong residence status as “within 30 miles of Hayden Lake.” What he neglected to tell us was that much of the time up to this year, according to public records obtained from the Internet, his residence was 28 miles north of Hayden Lake in Bonner County. His property owners group also still shows this Bonner County address.

Newspaper accounts also have repeatedly referred to Spencer as a Bonner County resident.

Larry, when, if ever, is the last time you voted in Kootenai County?

Charles Waller

Bayview, Idaho

Reagan Republicans a mystery

After reading Betsy Russell’s front-page April 30 article, “District 3 drawing challenges in GOP,” I became mystified by one organization cited: the “Kootenai County Reagan Republicans.” With credit given to its founder, Jeff Tyler, what do we know about this conservative-sounding nonentity?

It is not listed on the Idaho Secretary of State’s website. Some Internet research indicates it is currently headed up by Ron Lahr, with Jeff Tyler serving as vice president. Where are contributions going, and who is tracking who or what initiatives these funds are being used to support? How many other political candidates are associated with this group?

It would be nice to know before we head to the ballot box.

Thomas P. Hanley

Post Falls