Our Police Our Selves

Good evening, Everyone…
At last, we begin the hotly-contested thread called Our Police Our Selves, for which an explicit set of guidelines and rules have been written in advance. The purpose of this thread is to promote and encourage discourse and conversations between members of the Spokane Police Department and the general public, but with the understanding made perfectly clear regarding what is and is not acceptable behavior.
If you haven’t done so, please read the rules, which are also prominently posted in this blog, as they are applicable to one and all.
The Mayor, Police Chief and the Police Guild recently announced having reached tentative agreement on the creation of the Office of the Police Ombudsman. Among many functions of the OPO would be:
Take complaints directly from citizens.
Determine whether investigations of officers are thorough, complete, and fair, and call for additional investigation when warranted.
Recommend mediation between police and a citizen when the ombudsman deems that is the best way to resolve a complaint.
Therefore, one of my first questions relating to the Spokane Police officers is how do you view this development? Do you feel comfortable with the OPO? Are you allowed to talk about your feelings in public?
Respectfully submitted…