Best of the Northwest
Here's what Matt Drudge reported at 5:12 ET: Exit poll mania spread through media and campaign circles Tuesday evening after exit data from big media sources claimed Kerry competitive in key states.... FL Kerry +1 PA Kerry+2-4 OH Kerry+1 WI Kerry+4 MI Kerry+2 NH Kerry +4 // Senate Winners: Martinez FL Thune SD Bunning KY Salazar CO // Losers: Bowles NC Coors Co [CAUTION: Early 2000 exit polls showed Gore +3 in Florida; showed Gore-Bush even in CO [Bush won by 9], 2000 exits showed Gore +4 in AZ [Bush won by 6]]... Developing... Meanwhile, John Zogby's calling Florida and Ohio for Bush here.
1. Cartoonist David Horsey/P-I nails the outlook for Election Day '04 here.
2. The 2000 presidential election had nothing on the campaign of 1874 for the Idaho territory's lone congressional seat, according to The Idaho Statesman. Not only did the man with the most votes not get the job, but he challenged the declared winner to a duel for mocking his social graces during the campaign. Read all about it here.
3. The National Alliance, an Aryan Nations wannabe organization with a Bozeman post office box, spread racist literature in Missoula and Flathead counties over the weekend here.
4. IMHO-NW: Doug Clark/S-R (Davenport Hotel spooks), Daily Evergreen (Young voters have power), Seattle Times (Bah-bye Coach Gilbertson), Missoulian (Power of one vote), and The Daily Inter Lake (Vote today, then set aside rancor).
5. At the University of Idaho, the Vandal Taxi, which has probably saved lives by transporting drunk students on Friday and Saturday nights, is changing to a set route after experiencing funding difficulties here. The UI Argonaut opined on the service here, and cartoonist tossed in his 2 cents about it here.
6. Washington voter turnout could set a record here.
7. Kootenai County investigators are looking for a possible link between methadone and the deaths of three teen-age boys in September here.
8. The Washington Department of Tranportation is buying 300 miles of the Palouse River and Coulee City railroad line to keep service alive in the small, grain-producing towns of eastern Washington here.