Club goes broke fighting females
The Spokane Country Club went down fighting. But it probably didn’t need to go down at all. The club’s drawn-out legal battle to preserve a tradition of charging women full price for second-class membership was a legal loser, and the club went broke clinging to it. Meanwhile, the four women who challenged the tradition – and then endured six years of what their attorney termed a “vicious backlash” – are still standing, ready to collect their judgments and see the club transformed by its new owners, the Kalispel Tribe. The club’s leadership “literally decided to exhaust the assets of the club, instead of giving in to the concept that, if you have women owners they deserve the same treatment as men owners,” said Mary Schultz, who represented the four women. “They literally drove the club into insolvency over that”/Shawn Vestal, SR. More here.
Question: Anyone out there spent much time at the Spokane Club?