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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Movies & More

Show everything, ABC!

I'm watching the Oregon/Oregon State football game -- "Rudy," there's the movie reference for this movie-themed blog -- and I am getting progressively miffed at the ABC producers who, whenever anything remotely smacks of post-play fighting, switch away to some stupid stands shot.

Oh, please. We're adults here, and you can't understand what is going on in the game unless you see all of it! If someone throws a cheap shot -- and Oregon, one of my alma maters, is famous for it (remember last year's game with Boise State?) -- then we need to see it.

This game is getting rough. Let's see all of it.

Dan Webster
Dan Webster has filled a number of positions at The Spokesman-Review from 1981 to 2009. He started as a sportswriter, was a sports desk copy chief at the Spokane Chronicle for two years, served as assistant features editor and, beginning in 1984, worked at several jobs at once: books editor, columnist, film reviewer and award-winning features writer. In 2003, he created one of the newspaper's first blogs, "Movies & More." He continues to write for The Spokesman-Review's Web site,, and he both reviews movies for Spokane Public Radio and serves as co-host of the radio station's popular movie-discussion show "Movies 101."