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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Movies & More

What’s opening? ‘The Tillman Story’ is numero uno

The movie that has been the third-most advertised over the past few weeks, "Fair Game," doesn't seem to be opening in the Spokane region today. I'm not that disappointed because, to be honest, I'm getting a bit tired -- and leery -- of these instant-history movies.

Documentaries are controversial enough, what with how they manipulate "reality" to make what often is a political point. But dramas? How can they not feel ... ummmm, fake? Phony? Overly dramatic and hyperbolic?

As far as documentaries go, one that IS opening today avoids many of the problems I listed above. "The Tillman Story" tells the story of Pat Tillman, the former NFL player who joined the Army, only to die while serving in Afghanistan. His story is a perfect storm of mistakes, criminal incompetence, cover-up and outright deceit, along with a far bit of family anger.

Other than that, we have "Nowhere Man" at the Magic Lantern, a new Tyler Perry film ("For Colored Girls"), then the second-most advertised comedy "Due Date" and the movie that has received the most attention, the animated superhero comedy, "Megamind" (which you can see in regular 35MM. in 3-D and 3-D IMAX).

I've already seen "The Tillman Story," which I much admire. I'm in Seattle, so I'm gonna try to catch "Fair Game." I just have to know if my preconceived notions are correct.

Below: The trailer for "The Tillman Story."

Dan Webster
Dan Webster has filled a number of positions at The Spokesman-Review from 1981 to 2009. He started as a sportswriter, was a sports desk copy chief at the Spokane Chronicle for two years, served as assistant features editor and, beginning in 1984, worked at several jobs at once: books editor, columnist, film reviewer and award-winning features writer. In 2003, he created one of the newspaper's first blogs, "Movies & More." He continues to write for The Spokesman-Review's Web site,, and he both reviews movies for Spokane Public Radio and serves as co-host of the radio station's popular movie-discussion show "Movies 101."