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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Washington Democratic Presidential Primary

Related Coverage, Page 3

Clinton campaign: Computer service used by campaign hacked

A computer service used by the campaign of Hillary Clinton was hacked as part of a broader breach of the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton, Kaine launch campaign’s last 100 days from Temple University

Hillary Clinton kicked off her general election campaign Friday in Philadelphia by comparing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to a king, while she argued the historic nature of her candidacy showed the goodness and potential of America.

Spokane delegate says Bernie Sanders supporters were disrespected at national convention

Young Spokane delegate to Democratic National Convention expected more discussion of issues, more inclusion of Sanders supporters.

FACT CHECK: Trump’s misreading of Iran deal

Donald Trump entertained an Iowa audience Thursday with an animated account of how he would have wrung a better nuclear deal out of Iran if he’d been president when it was negotiated. But there was more fable than fact in his story.

FACT CHECK: Misfires in Hillary Clinton’s speech

In her speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton wrongly implied Donald Trump has proposed banning Islam in America and sketched out a plan for defeating Islamic State militants that merely mirrors what the U.S. is already trying to do.

Can Hillary Clinton unify her cracked party?

The Democratic Party faces a challenge, in the divide between supporters of Hillary Clinton and supporters of Bernie Sanders. If the fissure is not healed, a bigot could seize the White House.

Clinton’s pledge: Steady hand at ‘moment of reckoning’

Promising Americans a steady hand, Hillary Clinton cast herself Thursday night as a unifier for divided times, an experienced leader steeled for a volatile world. She aggressively challenged Republican Donald Trump’s ability to do the same.

Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues

Donald Trump has refused to condemn Russia’s military takeover of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, saying if elected he would consider recognizing it as Russian territory, in the latest of a series of statements that have raised eyebrows about the Republican candidate’s intentions toward the Kremlin.

Clues in DNC hacking point to Russia, despite Trump claims

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said again Thursday whoever hacked the Democratic National Committee and stole years of internal emails remains a mystery, but private security experts – although not yet any U.S. government agencies – say they found persuasive clues that point to hacking groups whose previous targets track closely with the strategic interests of Russia’s government, especially its civilian and military intelligence and security agencies.

Roe v. Wade will be overturned if Trump wins, Pence says

GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Thursday predicted that Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion, would be overturned if Donald Trump is elected president.

In this election, lots of things get said; no one’s opinion gets changed

Americans seem doggedly focused lately on things that matter. Black lives matter. Blue lives matter. All lives matter.

Obama boosts Clinton: Carry her like you carried me

Their political fates now entwined, President Barack Obama will implore voters Wednesday to elect Hillary Clinton to the White House, appealing to the women, minorities and young people who powered his rise and are now crucial to hers.

Clinton wins historic nomination, says glass ceiling cracked

PHILADELPHIA – A glass ceiling is shattering at the Democratic National Convention as Hillary Clinton ascends to the presidential nomination with Tuesday’s roll call of the states, the first woman to lead a major party into a White House race. Clinton’s campaign hopes to use the achievement to bolster her popularity – mindful that while many voters are happy to be nominating a woman, they’re not wild about this particular one. Former President Bill Clinton, a string of celebrities and other speakers will offer prime-time testimonials to her career highlights and advocacy efforts, hoping to soften her image and resistance to her campaign.

FBI investigating whether Russians hacked Democratic Party’s emails to help Trump

WASHINGTON – The plot seems ripped from the pages of a post-Cold War espionage thriller: Russian spy services hack into the Democratic Party’s computers, pilfer reams of data and then leak damaging emails in the hopes of helping elect a preferred presidential candidate. Yet that is exactly the allegation the FBI confirmed Monday it is investigating.

After turmoil, Sanders, Michelle Obama, Warren thrill convention

Angry Democrats heckled outgoing party chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz with boos and cries of “shame!” on Monday as the party tried to recover from an embarrassing email hack that ripped open primary wounds just hours before they planned to mount a four-day showcase of unity.

Hacked emails complicate Democratic National Convention

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, announced abruptly Sunday afternoon that she would step down at week’s end.

Clinton in search of larger message

The convention the Republicans just wrapped up in Cleveland, with its back-stabbing rivals, missing dignitaries and borrowed phrases from another speech, may not be a tough act to follow, but Democrats are nonetheless in a state of high anxiety as the spotlight shifts their way this week.

Kathleen Parker: Trump’s rhetoric evokes tyrants

It is not for nothing that many have compared Trump’s brand of rhetoric to some of humankind’s worst, including, unavoidably, Adolf Hitler.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: GOP full of fear and loathing, but no facts or logic

Everywhere you turned there was something that made you embarrassed for them, something so disconnected from fact, logic or decency as to suggest those things no longer have much meaning for the party faithful.

Hillary Clinton chooses Va. Sen. Tim Kaine as running mate

Hillary Clinton named Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate Friday, adding a centrist former governor of a crucial battleground state to the Democratic ticket.