Two for the Road: Mary and Larry Wright
Mary and Larry Wright celebrate retirement by pedaling bicycles across the USA. Cost per day per couple: roughly $100 a day.
Mary and Larry Wright began their 2015 bicycle tour across the United States on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail at Astoria, Oregon.
Larry Wright started a 2015 bicycle tour across the United States with his wife, Mary, by pedaling along the Oregon Coast on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
McKenzie Pass in Oregon was the first of many mountain passes Mary and Larry Wright would climb and descent during their 2015 bicycle tour across the United States on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
Mary and Larry Wright carried ultralight gear for camping on their 2015 bicycle tour across the United States, but they also stayed in motels and accommodations set up for bike tourists at places such as bike shops, fire stations and churches.
An old-time message in Richland, Oregon, hit home with Mary and Larry Wright during their 2015 bicycle tour across the United States on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
After 18 days on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail, Larry Wright was up to eating the huge pancake served in a Riggins, Idaho, restaurant as he and his wife, Mary, pedaled across the USA in 2015.
Mary and Larry Wright pause to take in the sights of the Big Hole area near Jackson, Montana, during their 2015 bicycle tour across the United States on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
Larry Wright attempts to pitch a tent in the strong winds of the Wyoming as he and his wife, Mary pedaled across the United States in 2015 on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
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Mary Wright descends from Togwotee Pass in Wyoming during her 2015 bike tour across the USA with her husband, Larry, as they followed TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
About halfway through their 2015 bicycle tour across the USA, Larry and Mary Wright pause in Colorado at Hoosier Pass, elevation 11,539 feet.
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The mountains aren't as high in Missouri as they are in the West, but Larry and Mary Wright found the pedaling equally challenging during their 2015 bicycle tour on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
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Larry and Mary Wright found serenity as they pedaled Jack Turner Lane in Kentucky during their 2015 tour on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
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Larry and Mary Wright completed their 2015 tour on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail by dipping their wheels in the Atlantic Ocean 96 days after they'd started from the Pacific coast at Astoria, Oregon.
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