Northern pike invaders
In a cavernous, and cold, warehouse in Airway Heights a circle of Spokane Tribal fish biologists encircled a large, vicious-looking fish Tuesday.
Tamara Knudson removes the otolith from a massive Northern Pike the Spokane Tribe caught in Lake Roosevelt during the week of Nov. 5, 2018. The pike was 45 inches long and weighed 27.5 pounds. The otolith, a small bone in the fish's ear, will allow biologists to determine the age of the pike and where it was born.
The razor-teeth of a Northern Pike caught by the Spokane Tribe are shown off on Nov. 13, 2018. ELI FRANCOVICH/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW
Eli Francovich The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Biologists with the Spokane Tribe watch as Jordyn Matherly cuts into a 45-inch, 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt. The predatory fish are making their way down the Columbia River system and pose a threat to other fish including salmon. ELI FRANCOVICH/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW.
Eli Francovich The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Jordyn Matherly cuts into a 45-inch, 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt while Kaitlin Thurman takes a photo with her cell phone. ELI FRANCOVICH/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW.
Eli Francovich The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Kaitlin Thurman, a fish biologist with the Spokane Tribe, walks by a 45 inch and 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt during the week of Nov. 4, 2018.
A 31 inch, 10 pound Northern Pike is displayed next to a 16-inch rainbow trout found in the Pike's stomach by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists on Lake Roosevelt on Nov. 7, 2018.
Washington Department Of Fish An Courtesy
Jordyn Matherly holds a 45-inch, 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt last week.
Spokane Tribe Courtesy
Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt last week during a week-long gilnetting effort.
Spokane Tribe Courtesy
Jordyn Matherly holds a 45-inch, 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt last week.
Spokane Tribe Courtesy
A 45-inch, 27.5 pound Northern Pike caught in Lake Roosevelt last week sits on display.
Spokane Tribe Courtesy
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