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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Tropical Barry bears down on the Gulf of Mexico

Go or stay? It is a question people in and around New Orleans ask themselves every time a threatening storm lurks in the Gulf: a major hurricane like Katrina, which devastated the area in 2005 when levees failed, and now Tropical Storm Barry, which forecasters said was unlikely to become a ferocious hurricane but could still bring historic levels of rain and devastating floods. The dilemma is one that confronts people anywhere, but New Orleans has a unique set of circumstances: It’s particularly susceptible to hurricanes and flooding and, as underscored by Katrina 14 years ago, many of its people are poor. They don’t have the financial means or transportation to leave, and after a storm, they lack the resources to rebuild and recover.

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