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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Six issues to help northwest Spokane voters to decide between Klitzke and Moore

  • What steps do you think the City Council should take to improve public safety in your community?

    • Kitty Klitzke Believes a lot of the crime and vandalism, especially in the northern part of the district, seems to be caused by teens, not the homeless. Believes the city should improve funding to programs so kids have something to do rather than drag race through neighborhoods. Says city needs more police, but upstream solutions mean less spending on officer overtime.
    • Earl Moore Believes city needs to clean up the streets, and to do that the city needs more officers. Says that solving the problems with recruiting are complicated, and that she doesn’t know how to solve them, but that people need to have more respect for police. She believes that starts at the top, including with the City Council. Adds that the city needs to give officers tools to improve safety, like allowing them to arrest people in the parks after hours.
  • Do you support reducing vehicle lanes in favor of a rapid bus route on Division Street once the North Spokane Corridor is finished?

    • Kitty Klitzke Says road diets have proven successful elsewhere in the city, and the minor impacts to traffic are worth the benefits to pedestrian safety.
    • Earl Moore Reports that people haven’t talked to her about the issues as she has knocked on doors. Says she would wait to see what the people want.
  • How would you incentivize the development of affordable housing?

    • Kitty Klitzke Says tax structure currently provides incentives for sitting on land for speculation purposes, as opposed to encouraging the development of housing. Believes city leaders should lobby state lawmakers to allow city to penalize property owners sitting indefinitely on empty lots, as well as target incentives near downtown and in both the East Central and West Central neighborhoods, rather than allow sprawl.
    • Earl Moore Says she is waiting to hear what her constituents want. Argues that city needs affordable housing, but if it’s for the homeless, it needs to come with accountability.
  • Do you support Measure 1, a 0.2% sales tax on the November ballot that would raise an estimated $1.7 billion over 30 years and allow the county to build two new jails?

    • Kitty Klitzke Opposes the measure as currently written. Notes that it’s not clear how exactly the money would be spent, and says city needs a plan before asking voters for their money.
    • Earl Moore Says a lack of jail capacity is hampering law enforcement, but isn't taking a position on the measure because it's up to residents if they’re willing to pay for a new jail.
  • Do you support Proposition 1, which would criminalize people who camp within 1,000 feet of a school, public park, playground or licensed child care facility?

    • Kitty Klitzke No. Says she understands people’s frustrations, but the proposition would push the homeless into neighborhoods, onto trails and along the river. Believes it wouldn't solve the problem and would have unintended consequences.
    • Earl Moore Yes. Says children should be able to safely walk to school.
  • What steps do you think the City Council should take to address homelessness?

    • Kitty Klitzke Says the Trent shelter seems like a boondoggle. Believes emergency shelter is needed, but should be smaller and probably more segregated by demographics and need. Says city needs to use resources on mental health and addiction treatment, not a warehouse.
    • Earl Moore Says city needs more affordable housing and services for those who want help, but adds that she is firm believer in accountability. Says city must clean up the streets and criminals need to be held responsible.