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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Your Outdoors Photos: May 2019

The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here -- and get outside as much as possible.

NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!

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Photos in This Album

  • (I attached a different dragonfly photo you might like better than the one I sent you the other day) Loon Lake Washington. Beautifully dragonflies flying all around!

    Photographer: Lisa Miller

  • Lake Creek Coulee. Odessa,Washington. May 2019 . The big beetle.

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • Lake Creek Coulee. Odessa,Washington, May 2019

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • Lake Creek Coulee. Odessa,Washington.

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • An osprey swoops from it's perch to grab a fish. Cannon Hill Park, May 28.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • On the last day of vacation a beautiful Monarch butterfly open it's wings and let me take it's photo. Cape May N.J. May 24 19.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • This is a Snowy Egret smaller then a Great Egret but every bit as beautiful with it's plumes blowing in the wind they also have golden slippers. Taken May 24 19 Cape May N.J.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • While on vacation in Cape May N.J. I saw this beautiful Great Egret in display so very stunning to see. Taken May 20 19. Cape May N.J.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Odd colored deer. Up Indian Trail road.

    Photographer: Dennis Carow

  • same

    Photographer: Dennis Carow

  • Taken April 2019 by nine mile. Saw-Whet owl. Full grown the size of a robin.

    Photographer: Dennis Carow

  • Taken April 2019 by nine mile. Saw-Whet owl. Full grown the size of a robin.

    Photographer: Dennis Carow

  • Rainbow on Sprague Lake Friday evening

    Photographer: Brent

  • Spokane city's mascots country cousin. Seen at Queen Lucas Lake near Cheney mid May

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Wilson's Snipe This Wilson's Snipe was one of five that my husband Bob and I saw along Coulee Hite Road on the West Plains on Sunday evening, May 19, 2019. We always enjoy seeing these photogenic little shorebirds.

    Photographer: Marlene Cashen

  • Wilson's Snipe This Wilson's Snipe was one of five that my husband Bob and I saw along Coulee Hite Road on the West Plains on Sunday evening, May 19, 2019. We always enjoy seeing these photogenic little shorebirds.

    Photographer: Marlene Cashen

  • A Yellow Headed Black Bird throws his head back to belt out his beautiful song at the Cheney Wetlands Natural area mid May

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Nature at it’s finest. Manito Park 5/18/19.

    Photographer: Kristi Wiedrich

  • Nature at it’s finest. Manito Park 5/18/19.

    Photographer: Kristi Wiedrich

  • Arrowleaf Balsamroot in full bloom in the Turnbull Wildlife Refuge, near Cheney, WA. - it was everywhere and added such bright yellow glow to the fields - May 16, 2019.

    Photographer: M. J. Lovell

  • Great Horned Owl - Seen while hiking the Bluebird Trail in the Turnbull Wildlife Refuge near Cheney, WA on May 16, 2019

    Photographer: M.J. Lovell

  • Wood Duck on Loon Lake, WA. bathing in the morning sunlight - May 12, 2019

    Photographer: M. J. Lovell

  • This photo that I took is a squirrel living in a birdhouse at Loon Lake, WA a few years ago.

    Photographer: Lisa Miller

  • Escure Ranch May 2018

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • Escure Ranch May 2019

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • Escure Ranch May 2019

    Photographer: Bruce Cunningham

  • My grandson, Adrian Antoine, age 11, fishing at Deer Lake, WA

    Photographer: Linda Westby

  • The male Ruddy Duck chases after his intended after chasing off a suitor. Seen along the Columbia Plateau Trail off Cheney-Plaza rd. beginning of May

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • A Ruddy duck male & female are seen on one of the ponds along the Columbia Plateau Trail on the North end of Turnbull. He was very busy chasing other suitors away from his girl. Note the bright blue bill on the male. A really colorful duck. Seen the beginning of May.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • My photo may not be suitable for viewing by all readers, but I was disturbed enough by what I saw after I took the picture, I felt obliged to send it anyway. The picture, which I took from my back porch in Spokane Valley on May 13th, shows a merlin carrying a parakeet it caught. Obviously parakeets don't naturally occur in the wild in this are of the country. That means the parakeet (as well as a second parakeet which was following the merlin) either accidentally got loose from the house where it usually lived, or the owners tired of caring for their pet birds and decided to "give them their freedom." My picture demonstrates what happens when domesticated species are released into the wild. The falcon was only doing what comes naturally. Maybe pet owners SHOULD see this picture, so they know what really happens if they decide to set their pets free.

    Photographer: Bill Stickler

  • The Aurora borealis makes an appearance near Ritzville, the night of May 10th.

    Photographer: Tiffany Hansen

  • The Milky Way high above an old abandoned barn near Ritzville. Photo taken May 10th.

    Photographer: Tiffany Hansen

  • The first hummingbird of the season to visit my feeder, a sweet little female calliope. Taken on the South Hill, May 8th.

    Photographer: Tiffany Hansen

  • A cedar waxwing perched high up in my blossoming apple tree. Taken on the South Hill, May 8th

    Photographer: Tiffany Hansen

  • Great blue heron in flight at Cannon Hill Park. May 11th.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • Two Herons at Cannon Hill Park. One just landed, the other coming in. May 11th.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • A great blue heron hunts in Cannon Hill Park, May 11th.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • This swallow had a lot to say at Manito Park May 11th.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • New thing along the Centennial Trail past Gonzaga, the students have started putting hammocks up between the trees along the pond. A nice way to study or just enjoy the sunshine. Seen early may.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • The perfect way to cool off on a hot may day, the Rotary Fountain in Riverfront Park.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • The picture was taken near the Qualchan gold course on May10, 2019

    Photographer: Lance Ferrin

  • Can you smell them? Lilacs seen starting to bloom on Spokane's South Hill mid May.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Pixie and her mom Betty get ready to head off on a bike ride on the Columbia Plateau Trail out of Fish Lake. 1st week of May.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • A rare look at a Sora this one was calling and I waited over a hour and a half for it to finally show itself. They stay hidden in the reeds most of the time they are very vocal but if patient you may see one. Turnbull wildlife refuge. May 8 2019

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • A marmot gives me the eye near the Cheney wetlands on a beautiful morning. Taken on May 5th 2019

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • This hawk once known as a swamp hawk can be one of the most difficult to get a photo of I was very surprised that it let me take it's picture this is a male the female is brown. On the old Sprague road. May 5 2019

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Both the song and the bird are pretty in the Northern Flicker. Seen at the Slavin Natural area 1st week of May

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Such a pretty and silly little bird, the quail is. Seen near Holmburg natural area 1st of May.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Arrowleaf Balsamroot at Dishman Hills. Blooming in abundance. May 6, 2019

    Photographer: William Siler

  • Newly hatched Canada Geese at Mirror Pond (Manito Park). May 6, 2019

    Photographer: William Siler

  • Another Bloomsday in the books. One of the wheelchair racers glares as another comes up on her. Bloomsday 2019.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • It's turtle season at Manito Park. April 30.

    Photographer: William Siler

  • Osprey feeding at Cannon Hill Park. April 16

    Photographer: William Siler

  • Osprey feeding at Cannon Hill Park

    Photographer: William Siler

  • The hills along the South Hill Bluff are absolutely alive with the yellow daisy-like Arrowleaf Balsamroot flowers and the bee's that pollinate them. Seen the end of April.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

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