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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Alison Boggs

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News >  Spokane

Republicans Celebrate ‘94 Victories

FOR THE RECORD: Saturday, March 18, 1995 CORRECTION: An article about the GOP Lincoln Day Dinner that ran in the March 12 edition of The Spokesman-Review wrongly attributed some remarks made by Mike Fitzsimmons to Richard Clear. Fitzsimmons, not Clear, introduced the head table.

News >  Washington Voices

Donated Land Likely Site For New Fire Station In/Around: Liberty Lake

A site has been tentatively picked for Valley Fire District's new Liberty Lake station. Elmer Schneidmiller, a longtime Liberty Lake landowner and resident, has offered to donate land near Mission and Molter. "I'm pretty confident," said Valley Fire Chief Pat Humphries. "This land fits our needs. We're going to present (Schneidmiller) with a possible agreement to review."
News >  Washington Voices

Hangout Long A Trouble Spot, But Weapons Up Ante

Violence at the Sports Page Lanes is nothing new, say deputies who have worked there off-duty as security guards. The shooting early last Saturday was one in a series of violent incidents in the past six months associated with the popular youth hangout.
News >  Washington Voices

Intruder Reportedly Rapes Woman, Flees

A Spokane Valley woman was raped after interrupting a burglary in her home last week. The 21-year-old woman had returned to the house on the 6700 block of East Eighth about 7:30 p.m. last Thursday, said sheriff's Lt. Clyde Ries. The woman went to the back of the house to let the dog out and smoke a cigarette, Ries said, then went to take a shower.
News >  Washington Voices

Question Of Crime Shooting In Supermarket Parking Lot Opens E To Seriousness Of Increasing Violent Crime In Spokane Valley

1. (Color) Tidyman's at Sprague and McDonald is planning to employ a security guard for safety. Photo by Steve Thompson/The Spokesman-Review 2. Graffiti on the wall of the Sports Page Lanes is an indication of gang influence in the area. In the background is the Tidyman's grocery store where a man was shot last weekend. Photo by Steve Thompson/The Spokesman-Review
News >  Washington Voices

`Unusual’ Hiring Process Spawns Questions

Valley firefighters promise to throw support behind their new chief when he arrives on March 2, but that doesn't stop them from questioning the hiring process. They were surprised when the board of commissioners asked Chief Karl Bold to resign. The ensuing search for a new chief was quick and appeared to target one candidate right from the start, they said. "We're going to be 100 percent behind the new chief, but the process could've been done a little better," said firefighters union president Cooper Kennett. "The way it was done, we don't think it was fair." Pat Humphries, executive deputy chief of Vancouver Fire Department, last week was named Valley Fire's new chief.
News >  Washington Voices

Candle Apparent Source Of Fire That Burns Home

A fire that investigators say was sparked by an untended candle caused extensive damage to a Spokane Valley home last Saturday. The home of Duane and Jo Peterson, S2707 Raymond, sustained about $50,000 worth of damage from the blaze, which began about 1:40 a.m. The couple is staying at a motel, but probably will move temporarily into an apartment while their home is repaired, said Valley Fire inspector Paul Chase.
News >  Washington Voices

Vancouver Deputy Chief To Lead Valley Fire District

The executive deputy chief of the Vancouver (Wash.) Fire Department will take over as the new chief of Valley Fire District on March 2. Pat Humphries, 48, will be paid $74,000 per year and will serve at the will of the board of commissioners, on a month-to-month contract. "I am extremely happy," said Humphries, who is originally from Wenatchee. His wife is from Spokane and he said they have wanted to return to Eastern Washington for a while.
News >  Washington Voices

Four Candidates Vie For Valley Fire Post

The four men being considered to head up Spokane Valley Fire range from the district's former fire prevention division chief to the president of the state fire chiefs association. Chief Karl Bold will step down when a new chief is hired. Bold was former chief Rod Tedrow's handpicked successor when Tedrow retired in August.
News >  Washington Voices

Picture A Park Pavilion Park Is A Dream For Liberty Lake Being Made A Reality Through Fund-Raising Efforts By The Community

1. Ross Schneidmiller stands on the spot that soon will be Pavilion Park at Liberty Lake, a community build part for all ages. Photo by Steve Thompson/The Spokesman-Review 2. A circa 1915 photo shows the Liberty Lake pavilion's stylish upturned eaves. Below, a 1926 aerial photograph of the building and boat dock. Photos courtesy Ross Schneidmiller