West Valley Bus Routes
West Valley School District bus routes for the 1995-96 school year:
West Valley High School
Bus No.3: Begins 7 a.m., Empire and Butler, Empire and Davis, Empire and Fowler, Empire and Woodruff, Empire and Dalton 7:10 a.m., Maringo Drive and Willow, Maringo Drive and Locust, Maringo Drive and Farr, Garland and Farr, Upriver Drive and Farr (south side) 7:17 a.m., Rockwell and VanMarter, Rockwell and Glenn.
Hutton Settlement West Valley High School
Bus No. 8: 7:05 a.m., Commerce and Byrd, Commerce and Airport, Commerce and Koren, Commerce and Howe, Mansfield and eastern, Mansfield and Dollar, Utah and Bradley, Carlisle and Coleman, Marietta and Coleman, Marietta and Park (west side) 7:15 a.m., Liberty and Girard, Liberty and Park (west side).
Liberty and Edgerton West Valley High School
Bus No. 9: 7:05 a.m., Wellesley and Byer, Wellesley (midway between Byer and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Vista, Ella and Ely 7:10 a.m., Ely (300 feet north of Upriver Drive), Maringo and Maringo Drive, Maringo Drive and Bessie, Maringo Drive and Marguerite.
West Valley High School
Bus No. 12: 7 a.m., Mission and Locust (south side), Mission and Farr, Mission and Woodruff, Boone and Woodruff, Boone and Farr 7:07 a.m., Cataldo and Willow, Cataldo and Argonne, Cataldo and Marguerite 7:12 a.m., Cataldo and Sargent, Cataldo and Bessie, Boone and Bessie, Boone and Vista 7:15 a.m., Boone and Dick, Sinto and Vista, Mission and Bessie, Mission and Sargent.
Mission and Marguerite West Valley High School
Bus No. 13: 6:25 a.m., Prairie route is same times and stops as last year. Please call 922-5467 if you have any questions.
West Valley High School
Bus No. 20: 6:15 a.m., Prairie route is same times and stops as last year. Please call 922-5467 if you have any questions. 7:05 a.m., Columbia Drive and Sipple, Gunning Drive and Woodview Drive, Woodview Drive (Midway between Gunning Dr. and Columbia Dr.), Columbia Drive and Woodview Drive, Columbia Drive and Shane Ct., Columbia Drive and Mulvaney, Columbia Drive and Elton 7:15 a.m., Northwood Drive and Vistaview Circle, Vistaview Circle (midway around circle).
West Valley High School
Bus No. 21: 7:05 a.m., Montgomery (crosswalk at Village Square Apts.), Shannon and Woodruff, Shannon and Locust, Montgomery and Locust 7:10 a.m., Knox and Marguerite, Knox and Sargent, Knox and Bessie, Indiana and Bessie, Nora and Bessie, Nora and Vista (east side) 7:15 a.m., Indiana and Dick, Indiana and Ella, Indiana and Center, Indiana and Park 7:18 a.m., Nora and Center, Mission and Center, Mission and Park (east side) 7:20 a.m., Sharp and Park (west side).
Park Pool West Valley High School
Bus No. 25: 6:40 a.m., Valleyway and Farr, Valleyway and Locust, Valleyway and Willow, Valleyway and Marguerite, Valleyway and Sargent, Valleyway and Bessie, Valleyway and Vista, Valleyway and Dick, Valleyway and Ella 7:00 a.m., 2nd and Park, 2nd and Park, 8th and Park, 10th and Park, 18th and Ely, 10th and Edgerton, 8th and Edgerton.
Spokane Valley High School
Bus No. 18: 7:30 a.m., east Valley High School 7:45 a.m., Central Valley High School 7:55 a.m., University High School.
Note: West Valley High School Students ride regular bus to West Valley High School and transfer to Bus No. 12 at 7:25 a.m.
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 3: 7:20 a.m., Maringo Drive and Willow, Maringo Drive and Locust, Maringo Drive and Farr, Garland and Farr, Upriver Drive and Farr (south side) 7:25 a.m., Upriver Drive and Herald(south side), Upriver Drive and Raymond (south side), Rockwell and VanMarter, Rockwell and Pierce 7:30 a.m., Hutton Settlement, Wellesley (midway between Argonne and Farr).
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 8: 7:30 a.m., Empire and Dalton, Empire and Woodruff, Empire and Fowler, Empire and Davis, Empire and Butler, Trent and Butler 7:40 a.m., Grace and Locust, Grace and Maple, Grace and Willow, Grace and Stout.
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 11: 7:23 a.m., Wellesley and Argonne (west side), Wellesley and Byer, Upriver Drive and Vista, Princeton and Elton, Heroy and Elton, Ella (300 feet north of Upriver drive), Ella and Ely, Ely (300 feet north of Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Ella (south side) 7:30 a.m., Maringo Drive and Maringo, Maringo Drive and Bessie, Maringo Drive and Marguerite, Upriver Drive and Marguerite (south side) 7:37 a.m., Buckeye and Dale, Buckeye and Sargent, Buckeye and Laura.
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 12: 7:35 a.m., Cataldo and Stout, Cataldo and Willow, Boone and Locust, Sinto and Locust, Mission and Farr (south side), Mission and Woodruff 7:40 a.m., Sinto and Woodruff, Boone and Woodruff.
Boone and Farr Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 13: 7 a.m., Prairie route is same times and stops as last year. Please call 922-5467 if you have any questions.
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 15: 7:30 a.m., Frederick and Marguerite, Frederick and Sargent 7:33 a.m., Buckeye and Vista, Buckeye and Dick, Buckeye and Ella, Buckeye and Center 7:38 a.m., Euclid and Ella, Euclid and Edgerton, Fairview and Lily.
Rutter and Coleman Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 16: 7:23 a.m., Broadway and Marguerite (north side), Cataldo and Marguerite, Mission and Marguerite (south side), Mission and Sargent, Mission and Bessie, Sinto and Vista 7:32 a.m., Boone and Vista, Boone and Ella, Cataldo and Vista, Cataldo and Sargent 7:40 a.m., Valleyway and Farr, Valleyway and Locust, Valleyway and Willow, Alki and Dick 7:45 a.m., Augusta and Ella, Mission and Center (north side).
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 17: 7:27 a.m., Liberty and Park (east side), Glass and Park (east side), south Riverway and Edgerton, Glass and Center 7:32 a.m., Liberty and Ely, Liberty and Ella, Liberty and Dick 7:36 a.m., Liberty and Vista, Liberty and Bessie, Liberty and Sargent, Liberty and Marguerite 7:43 a.m.
Carlisle and Ella Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 20: 7:20 a.m., Columbia Drive and Sipple, Gunning Drive and Woodview Drive, Woodview Drive (midway between Gunning and Columbia), Woodview Drive and Timber-Rim 7:25 a.m., Columbia Drive and Shane Ct., Columbia Drive and Mulvaney, Columbia Drive and Elton.
Northwood Drive and Vistaview Circle Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 21: 7:30 a.m., Montgomery (crosswalk at Village Square Apts.), Montgomery and Woodruff, Shannon and Woodruff, Knox and Locust 7:35 a.m., Knox and Marguerite, Knox and Sargent, Knox and Bessie, Nora and Bessie, Nora and Vista 7:40 a.m., Indiana and Vista (west side), Indiana and Elton, Indiana and Edgerton.
Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 23: 7:00 a.m., Prairie route is same times and stops as last year. Please call 922-5467 if you have any questions.
Centennial and Seth-Woodard
Bus No. 24: 7:23 a.m., Montgomery and Park (east side), Marietta and Park (east side), Utah and Park (west side), Utah and Coleman, Carlisle and Coleman, Marietta and Coleman, Mansfield and Coleman, Mansfield and Bradley 7:35 a.m., Commerce and Waterworks, Commerce and Waldo, Commerce and Airport, Commerce and Koren, Commerce and Howe, Commerce and Fancher, Trent - between Fancher and Dickey (south Side).
Trent and eastern (south side) Centennial and Seth Woodard
Bus No. 25: 7:20 a.m., 1st and Sargent, 1st and Marguerite 7:25 a.m., Valleyway and Hutchinson, Alki and Marguerite, Alki and Sargent, Alki and Bessie, Valleyway and Bessie, Valleyway and Vista (east side), Sprague and Vista (north side) 7:30 a.m., 2nd and Park (west side), 8th and Park, 10th and Park, 18th and Ely, 10th and Edgerton, 8th and Edgerton 7:40 a.m., Cataldo and Bowman, Broadway and Girard.
Ness and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 12: 8:05 a.m., Broadway and Bessie (north side), Cataldo and Bessie, Boone and Bessie, Boone and Dorn Court, Sinto and Dick, Sinto and Vista 8:15 a.m., Mission and Bessie, Mission and Sargent, Mission and Marguerite, Mission (Midway between Mullan and Locust) 8:20 a.m., Nora and Locust, Nora and Woodruff, Mission and Woodruff (north side), Sinto and Woodruff, Boone and Woodruff.
Ness and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 17: 8:10 a.m., Cataldo and Ella, Cataldo and Dorn, Cataldo and Vista, Broadway and Ella (south side) 8:15 a.m., Harrington and Vista (east side), Valleyway and Vista (east side), Valleyway and Bessie, Valleyway and Sargent, Valleyway and Marguerite, Valleyway and Hutchinson 8:20 a.m., Main and Locust, Nixon and Locust, Kindercare.
ABC-Ville Ness and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 18: 8:10 a.m., Alki and Ella, Alki and Dick, Alki and Vista, Alki and Sargent 8:15 a.m., Broadway and Sargent (south side), Broadway and Sargent (north side), Cataldo and Sargent, Boone and Marguerite, Cataldo and Marguerite 8:20 a.m., Sinto and Stout, Boone and Stout, Cataldo and Stout, Boone and Willow, Sinto and Locust, Sinto and Boeing, Maxwell and Sunderland.
Sharp and Farr Ness and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 25: 8 a.m., Cataldo and Bowman, Broadway and Lily (north side) 8:05 a.m., 2nd and Park (west side), 8th and Park (west side), 10th and Park (west side), 18th and Ely, Winter and Skyline Pl. (Fall and Spring only) 8:10 a.m., 10th and Edgerton, 8th and Edgerton, 2nd and Park (east side) 8:15 a.m., 8200 block of Sprague (south side), 1st and Sargent, 1st and Marguerite 8:20 a.m., Farr Road (200 feet north of Sprague), Valleyway and Farr, Valleyway and Locust, Valleyway and Willow 8:25 a.m., Alki and Willow, Alki and Locust, Broadway and Locust (south side).
Orchard Center and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 3 8:15 a.m., Commerce and Waterworks, Commerce and Waldo, Commerce and Airport, Commerce and Koren, Commerce and Fancher 8:25 a.m., Fairview and Dora, Fairview and Lily, Euclid and Girard, Liberty and Girard, Liberty and Bowman, south Riverway and Edgerton, Kiernan and Edgerton, Glass and Ely, Glass and Dick.
Glass and Vista Orchard Center and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No.8: 8:10 a.m., Sharp and Bowman, Sharp and Lily, Maxwell and Girard, Maxwell and Bowman, Mission and Bowman 8:15 a.m., Montgomery and Girard, Girard (Midway between Montgomery and Trent), Girard and Trent, Mansfield and Coleman, Carlisle and Coleman, Carlisle and Bradley, Marietta and Bradley, Marietta and Coleman, Marietta and Park (west side) 8:24 a.m., Liberty and Edgerton, Liberty and Center, Liberty and Ely, Liberty and Ella, Liberty and Elton, Liberty and Dick, Liberty and Vista, Utah and Ella.
Orchard Center and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 15: 8:20 a.m., Indiana and Edgerton, Knox and Center, Indiana and Center, Indiana and Elton, Indiana and Dick, Indiana and Vista 8:25 a.m., Knox and Dick, Knox and Elton.
Carlisle and Orchard Center and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No.16: 8:20 a.m., Sinto and Park (east side), Maxwell and Park, Mission and Park (100’ east of Park - south side) 8:23 a.m., Mission and Center, Mission and Ely (south side), Augusta and Ella, Nora and Ella.
Nora and Edgerton Orchard Center and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No.24: 8:10 a.m., Nora and Sipple, Nora and Bessie, Indiana and Bessie, Knox and Bessie, Knox and Sargent, Shannon and Sargent, Michielli and Sargent, Knox and Marguerite (south side), Villa 90 Apts 8:20 a.m., Knox and Marguerite(north side), Montgomery and Sargent, Montgomery (Crosswalk and Village Square Apts.) 8:25 a.m., Shannon and Locust, Shannon and Woodruff.
Pasadena Park and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No.11: 8:10 a.m., Grace and Locust, Frederick and Locust, Frederick and Maple, Grace and Maple, Grace and Willow, Grace and Stout 8:15 a.m., Maringo Drive and Willow, Willow (midway between Maringo Drive and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Willow, Upriver Drive (midway between Willow and Locust - south side), Locust (midway between Upriver Drive and Maringo Drive), Maringo Drive and Farr, Garland and Farr, Farr (Midway between Garland and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Farr (south side), Upriver Drive (Midway between Herald and Raymond - south side), Upriver Drive and Raymond, Rockwell and Van Marter, Rockwell and Pierce 8:23 a.m., Hutton Settlement, Longfellow (midway between Marguerite and Argonne).
Pasadena Park and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 13 8:20 a.m., Empire and Butler, Empire and Davis, Empire and Fowler, Empire and Woodruff, Dalton and Woodruff, Empire and Dalton 8:25 a.m., Maringo Drive and Marguerite, Maringo Drive and Bessie, Maringo Drive and Maringo, Maringo (midway between Maringo Drive and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Maringo (south side).
Pasadena Park and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 20: 8:15 a.m., Wellesley (midway between Farr and Argonne) 8:20 a.m., Columbia Drive and Sipple, Gunning Drive and Woodview Drive, Woodview Drive (Midway between Gunning and Columbia), Woodview Drive and Timber-Rim, Columbia Drive and Shane Ct., Columbia Drive and Woodview Drive, Columbia Drive and Columbia Court 8:25 a.m., Columbia Drive and Mulvaney, Columbia Drive and Elton, Northwood Drive and Vista View Circle.
Columbia Drive and Columbia Park Drive Pasadena Park and Millwood A.M. Session and SPICE
Bus No. 21: 8:15 a.m., Grace and Hutchinson, Frederick and Marguerite, Grace and Marguerite, Grace and Sargent, Buckeye and Sargent, Buckeye and Bessie, Buckeye and Vista (east side) 8:21 a.m., Liberty and Vista, Bridgeport and Vista, Courtland and Bessie, Bridgeport and Sargent, south Riverway and Bessie, Courtland and Sargent, Bessie (midway between Liberty and Euclid) 8:25 a.m., Euclid (midway between Bessie and Sargent), Euclid and Marguerite, Liberty and Marguerite, Liberty and Dale, Bridgeport and Marguerite, S. Riverway and Marguerite.
Pasadena Park and SPICE
Bus No. 23: 7:45 a.m., Prairie route is same times and stops as last year. Please call 922-5467 if you have any questions. 8:20 a.m., Wellesley (Midway between Beyer and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Vista (north side), Princeton and Elton 8:25 a.m., Heroy and Elton, Ella — 200’ north of Upriver Drive, Ella and Ely, Center — 300’ north of Upriver Drive, Upriver Drive and Ella (south side), Upriver Drive and Dick (south side).
Millwood P.M. Kindergarten Session - Ness Area
Bus No. 8: 11:55 a.m., Ella - 100 feet south of Broadway, 2nd and Park (west side), 8th and Park (south side), 10th and Park (west side), 18th and Ely, Winter and Skyline Pl. (Fall and Spring Only), 10th and Edgerton, 2nd and Park (east side) 12:05 a.m., 1st and Sargent, Alki and Dick, Alki and Vista (west side), Valleyway and Bessie, Alki and Bessie, Valleyway and Sargent, Valleyway and Marguerite, Valleyway and Hutchinson 12:15 a.m., Kindercare, ABC-Ville, Broadway and Locust (south side), Valleyway and Farr.
Valleyway and Willow Millwood P.M. Kindergarten Session - O.C. Area
Bus No. 13: Noon, Commerce and Byrd, Commerce and Waldo, Commerce and Airport, Commerce and Koren, Commerce and Howe, Utah and Elizabeth 12:15 a.m., Carlisle and Bradley, Carlisle and Coleman, Montgomery and Girard, Marietta at St. Paschal’s 12:20 p.m., Marietta and Coleman, Rutter and Coleman, Fairview and Lily.
Euclid and Girard Millwood P.M. Kindergarten Session - Pasadena Area
Bus No. 20: 11:55 a.m., Longfellow (midway between Marguerite and Argonne, Marguerite (midway between Maringo Drive and Upriver Dr.), Upriver Drive and Vista (north side), Longfellow and Dick, Ely and Ella, Center (300 feet north of Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive and Ella (south side), Upriver Drive and Maringo, Maringo Drive and Maringo, Maringo Drive and Bessie.
Millwood P.M. Kindergarten Session - Pasadena Area
Bus No. 21: 11:45 a.m., Prairie portion of route to be determined one week before school.
12:00 p.m., Gunning Drive and Woodview Drive, Woodview Drive (Midway between Gunning and Columbia), Columbia Drive and Woodview Drive, Columbia Drive and Shane Ct., Columbia Drive and Columbia Ct., Columbia Drive and Elton, Northwood Drive and Vista View Circle, Columbia Drive and Columbia Park Drive (south side), Columbia Drive at Park Place 12:10 p.m., Upriver Drive and Willow (south side), Upriver Drive (midway between Willow and Locust), Locust (midway between Upriver Drive and Maringo Drive), Farr (midway between Garland and Upriver Drive), Upriver Drive (midway between Farr and Herald - south side), Herald (midway between Upriver Drive and Garland, Rockwell and Van Marter, Hutton Settlement.
Special Education Bus
Bus No. 22: and Van No. 30 Note: All parents will be notified by telephone of pick-up times and locations the week prior to the opening of school.