Gsl Gets Pinned By State State Makes Changes To Weight Classes; Gsl Coaches Opposed
Although Washington has added a new 215-pound weight class to its high school wrestling lineup, the “nays” among Greater Spokane League coaches nearly outscored the “yeas” by a major decision.
Spokane-area coaches were generally opposed to the idea and the GSL score was 8 to 1 against - even though the new weight class came out a winner statewide. Central Valley’s Dale Ethridge voted for the new class.
Most coaches said they would have preferred going to national weights, which vary from Washington’s classes by a few pounds and have an extra wrestler in the mid-ranges between 140 and 171 pounds and one less between 171 and 189.
Local coaches would also have preferred to add a midrange weight where, they said, most high school wrestlers are, rather than add 215, which is optional nationally.
“I didn’t understand why they put it in,” said Rogers coach Ken Pelo. “I wanted another class where the greatest number of kids are.”
Ethridge had his reasons for voting as he did.
One is that CV has an abundance of big men. The other is that high school kids, said Ethridge, are getting bigger, and the gap between 171 and 189 pounds in the national weights is too great.
“A 215-pounder is a good solid high school athlete these days,” he said. “I think it will be a tough class at state.”
Coaches have resigned themselves to the addition and most teams have been able to fill the 215-pound classification.
“We’re going to go with what they gave us,” said Mead coach Cash Stone. “That’s what the rules say and we’re gong to make the best of it.”
But that doesn’t mean they won’t work to change things next year.
“It’s not a dead issue,” said NC’s Randy Cloke. “It’s on an experimental basis and we need to be honest with administrators.”
, DataTimes MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: Weight classes Present Washington High School weight classifications: 101, 108, 115, 122, 129, 135, 141, 148, 158, 168, 178, 190, 215 and 275 pounds. National weights by comparison: 103, 112, 119, 125, 130, 135, 140, 152, 160, 171, 189, 215 (optional) and 275 pounds.