Business Beat
New Faces
Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole P.S. has added the following associates to its professional staff:
Kathleen Diamond Jensen is a graduate of the University of Washington Law School and the University of Florida with an LL.M in taxation. Her practice will focus on estate planning, probate, corporations, and employee benefits.
Ted O’Neal graduated from Princeton and Southern Methodist University Law School. He will practice in the areas of corporate and securities law.
William Symmes graduated from Southern Methodist University Law School. Symmes will be practicing in the areas of business law, commercial litigation, and real estate.
Mark Cruzan has joined the accounting and consulting firm of McFarland & Alton P.S. Cruzan, a CPA, will be a senior manager in the Health Care Division. He has 12 years of experience in public accounting and has specialized in the health care industry. Cruzan was previously with Ernst & Young in Phoenix, Ariz.
Don Santos has joined Wendle Ford’s sales department. Santos, who was previously at Spokane Chrysler Plymouth, was Wendle’s top resale salesman in October.
Timberland Custom Modular Homes Inc. has added Marianne Lyle to its new Spokane sales center. Lyle brings more than 15 years of experience to Timberland. She was formerly with the Resort Properties International division of Conrad Hilton Hotels International in both Cancun, Mexico and Hawaii.
Jane O’Hara has joined the staff of Holy Family Hospital as director of women’s services. O’Hara comes to Holy Family from Pocatello, Idaho, where she served as director of women and children services at Bannock Regional Medical Center. She received a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Arizona.
Dan Aylward has been appointed president and general manager of Silverwood Theme Park. Aylward has 24 years of experience in the theme park industry at parks in the Midwest, Northwest and Southwest. Previously he was the General Manager of Old Tucson Studios in Tucson, Ariz.
Rob Dunn has been named general manager of the Old Spaghetti Factory restaurant in Spokane. Dunn, who has been with the company since 1988, previously worked as a manager of Old Spaghetti Factory restaurants in Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., and Portland.
Moving Up
Gary Jurgensen has been promoted
to assistant vice president of Sterling Savings Association. Jurgensen joined Sterling in 1993 as a commercial loan officer. Prior to joining Sterling, he was with Spokane Bank for Cooperatives for more than 20 years.
Hagadone Hospitality Co. has named Robert Tice general manager of Lake Coeur d’Alene Cruises and Kimberly Johnson sales manager. Tice was promoted to lead captain last summer, overseeing the cruise company’s four boats, coordinating crew assignments and maintaining the vessels. He will retain those duties, as well as adding duties such as financial planning and marketing as he assumes his new position. Johnson, formerly the Coeur d’Alene Resort’s assistant weddings coordinator, will focus on selling charter cruises to colleges, conventions, weddings, reunions, and professional organizations.
Jennifer Wagner has been promoted to account executive by Dakotah Direct Inc. Wagner, who joined the telemarketing company one year after its inception in 1992, will be responsible for managing the business of a major Fortune 100 client.
Starting Up
Scott T. Jones has opened Legacy
Studio, which will specialize in family, business, high school senior and wedding portraiture. Jones was studio manager and lead photographer for Dorian Studio Inc. for the last 6 years. He has been a professional photographer for 10 years.
Fairco Mini Marts is opening a new store at N209 Sullivan. The store is Fairco’s eighth, including five in the Spokane area. In addition to Conoco gasoline and automotive products, it will feature a “No Touch” Laser Wash, a self-serve espresso machine and “Hot Stuff” pizza.
Chris and Julie Mathews have opened Memory Makers Photo Album Service. The business will organize personal photographs for future generations. Memory Makers also will pick up undeveloped rolls of film, have them processed and return them in photo albums.
William Zuppe, president of Sterling
Savings Association, has been named one of eight new members of the Federal Reserve Board’s Thrift Institutions Advisory Council. The group consists of 12 representatives from thrift institutions throughout the United States.
Jim Correll, vice president and Spokane manager of CH2M Hill, has been appointed to the advisory board for the College of Engineering and Architecture at Washington State University. Correll has been a professional engineer with CH2M Hill for 25 years, the past 15 years with the Spokane office.
Grace Millay Ott, a past president of the Junior League of Spokane who serves on the Inland Northwest Council, has been appointed a trustee of the Washington Commission for the Humanities.
The Monsanto Co. has awarded the
Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation a grant of $1,500, which will be used to partially fund a position in the foundation’s two-year Leadership Program.
That Italian Place restaurant in Grand Coulee, Wash., has been honored as one of the Top 100 Independent Pizza Operators in the nation by Pizza Today magazine, the official publication of the National Association of Pizza Operators.
Spokane Chapter of Executive
Women International is sponsoring a scholarship program for high school juniors from schools in Spokane and Kootenai Counties. Students who intend to pursue a 2-year or 4-year college degree are eligible to win up to $10,000 for first place, $8,000 for second, or $6,000 for third place in the national E.W.I. Scholarship Program.
Tuesday - “How to Create: More
Customers, Sales, and Profits, a luncheon session sponsored by Resource Computing Inc. at Templin’s Resort in Post Falls. Call (208)667-1267 for information and registration.
Tuesday - “Solvent Solutions,” sponsored by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality and the Idaho Economic Development Center. The workshop will be held in Coeur d’Alene and in Lewiston. For more information, call Katie Sewell, (208) 344-5860 or Kathy McDevitt at (208) 385-3767.
Wednesday-Thursday - Negotiating To Win/Win Conflict Resolution, 8:30 a.m.-noon at the Institute for Extended Learning. Cost is $69; call 533-3222 for information and registration.
Wednesday - Ice Age Floods Institute meeting, from 10 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. at the BLM offices at N1103 Fancher. Call 539-1299 more for information
Wednesday and Feb. 21 - The Service Corps of Retired Executives offers free business counseling to potential and existing small business owners/operators at Panhandle Area Council, 11100 Airport Drive, Hayden, Idaho, Wednesday, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Call (208) 772-0584 for information; LewisClark State College, SBDC at L-CSC, Lewiston, Idaho, Feb. 21, 9 a.m.- noon; Pullman Chamber of Commerce, N415 Grand, Pullman, Wash., Feb. 21, 9 a.m.noon.
Wednesday-Thursday - Washington State University and Washington Wheat Commission’s annual Research Review, Quality Inn in Pullman, Wash. Presentations will begin Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Thursday at 8 a.m. For more information, call 659-0610.
Thursday - The Inland Empire Chapter of the Data Processing Management Association dinner meeting begins with social hour at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6 p.m. The program will begin at 7 p.m. with Bob Jibby from DataPro Solutions Inc. speaking on optical document imaging. Cost is $15; call 468-6704 or 255-9317 for reservations and information.
Thursday - “Training the Trainer” at S.I.R.T.I. N665 Riverpoint, from 8 a.m 5 p.m. Call 455-5054 for more information.
Thursday - The Inland Empire Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators presents a one day seminar, “Communicating in a Legal Environment” at Cavanaugh’s River Inn. Cost is $60/day, $35/half-day; call Dotty at 455-9555, ext. 622, for information and registration.
Thursday - Northwest Planned Giving Council meets at noon at the Spokane Club. Carol Neupert, director of development at Sacred Heart Medical Center, will present “Bequests - An Organized Approach.” For lunch reservations, call Debbie at 489-6302.
Thursday - CCS Small Business Development Center presents “How To Develop Your Product Or Invention” from 6-10 p.m. at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, N665 Riverpoint Boulevard. Cost is $40; call 358-2050 for information and to register.
Thursday - ISO 9000 Internal Auditing, from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Applied Technology Center, N3939 Freya. Cost in $300; call 533-3448 for more information or to register.
Thursday - Employer Tax Seminar offered by CSS Small Business Development Center, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. at Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, N665 Riverpoint Boulevard. Cost is $20; call 358-2050 for information and registration.
Thursday and Feb. 21 - Idaho Small Business Development Center at North Idaho College offers “Business Organizations” Thursday and “Brains With Brawn-Financial Basics for Contractors” Feb. 21. The workshops are from 6:30 p.m. at North Idaho College Workforce Training Center, Riverbend Commerce Park, W525 Clearwater Loop, Post Falls. Cost is $35/session; call (208) 769-3444 to register.
Feb. 21 - The Service Corps of Retired Executives offers free business counseling to potential and existing small business owners/operators at TRIDEC SBDC N901 Colorado, from 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Call 735-1000; Richland Chamber 515 Lee Boulevard, 1-5 p.m., call 946-1651.
Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 - The Service Corps of Retired Executives offers two workshops: “Basics of Business Recordkeeping,” Feb. 21 at 6 p.m., and “Preparing A Successful Business Plan,” Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. Cost of each workshop is $30/person or $50/two and includes workbooks. Registration should be make by Feb. 17. Call 353-2820 for information.
MEMO: Do you want to submit an item for “Business Beat?” Send a brief press release to: Bill Sallquist, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane WA, 99210-1615. Photos will be used, space permitting, with new staff additions, promotions and new businesses. Put names on backs of photos. If you want a photo back, write “WILL CALL” on the back and pick it up at the newspaper reference library. Allow three weeks for publication.