Tell Us About The Shining Star On Your Block
Not much time left, neighbor.
There are just five days for you to get your nominations for the sixth-annual Good Neighbor contest in the mail.
Just tell us in 250 words or less why your good neighbor is tops.
If your neighbor wins, they’ll receive a beautiful plaque and a catered party for their entire block - all provided by sponsors The Spokesman-Review and Little Caesar’s Pizza.
What kind of folks are we looking for? Anyone who is always there to help out, even when no one asks. And don’t forget: The good deeds of past contest winners didn’t require deep wallets; they required big hearts.
You know a good neighbor when you see one. It’s the person next door or around the corner who picks up mail, waters lawns and walks dogs. The person behind the smiling face who brings by fresh-baked cookies or just-picked garden veggies. And, most importantly, potential winners are the everyday heroes who give of themselves to help others out of a jam.
Got a someone in mind? Then pen that nomination letter. Be sure and include specific examples of times your neighbor helped not just you, but other folks in your area as well.
, DataTimes MEMO: NORTH SIDE VOICE HEADLINE: Time’s running out to recognize your neighbors IN LIFE SECTION HEADLINE: Don’t let that good neighbor go unnoticed
This sidebar appeared with the story: DEADLINE NEAR Tell us in 250 words or less why your neighbor deserves to be named Good Neighbor of the Year. Send your letter to: Good Neighbor Contest, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane WA 99210-1615. Entries must be postmarked by July 18. Winners will be announced Aug. 3.
This sidebar appeared with the story: DEADLINE NEAR Tell us in 250 words or less why your neighbor deserves to be named Good Neighbor of the Year. Send your letter to: Good Neighbor Contest, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane WA 99210-1615. Entries must be postmarked by July 18. Winners will be announced Aug. 3.