New listings
Whittier Grade School Alumni - August 1996; contact Don Peters at 838-0521 or Fran (Snow) Sharp at 928-7339.
Sugamo Prison Association - formerly the U.S. 8th Army unit, May 22-25, 1996, St. Louis, Mo.; contact Robert Shively Sr., 6259 Sard St., ALta Loma, CA 91701.
97th Signal Battalion Association - April 17-21, 1996, Corpus Christi, Texas; contact D.C. Harris, 3608 Dupont Circle, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, or call 804-464-0513.
North Central High School, Class of 1970 - Dec. 22; call Raleigh at 468-0491.
Coeur d’Alene High School, Class of 1986 - July 19-20, 1996; call Annette (Flagan) Fox at 208-772-0664 or Angie (Fox) Kane at 208-773-2181.
Lewis and Clark High School, Class of 1966 - July 21, 1996; call Betsy at 747-1587 or Diane at 325-3291.
Medical Lake High School, Class of 1976 - July 26-28, 1996; contact Frances De La Torre-Thomas at 328-7034 or Val Young Korshorst at 299-5478.
Lewis and Clark High School, Class of 1986 - Aug. 16-18, 1996; call Monika Palmlund Watson at 466-0260 or Chud Wendle at 484-4800.
West Seattle High School, Class of 1956 - Aug. 17, 1996, Bellevue, Wash.; call Sally (Banker) Rich at 206-282-4335.
Moses Lake High School, Class of 1976 - Summer of 1996; call Darla McKay at 328-3189, or write: 3411 W. Kiernan, Spokane, WA 99205.
Liberty High School, Classes 1962-66 - summer 1996; contact Ron Tee at 509-286-3864 or write: Box 22, Latah, WA 99018.
West Valley High School, Class of 1986 - 1996; call Tami Long-Naccarato at 468-7157 or Rhonda Guttromson-Knapp at 325-2443.
North Central High School, Class of 1947 - 1997; call Doris at 325-0374 or Pat at 926-1476.
Pullman High School, Class of 1986 - call Danette Davidson at 509-332-4908.
Riverside High School, Class of 1970 - call Mike Youchum at 292-0338 or Paul Brunton at 324-6369.
USS LCI National Association - April 14-18, 1996, St. Louis, Mo.; contact Walter Kopacz, 155 Main St., Port Monmouth, NY 07758, or call 908-495-0672.
5th Army Association, Veterans of the Italian Campaign, World War II - May 1996, tour of Italy leaving from New York; call 1-800-314-4499.
20th Fighter Wing - Sept. 19-22, 1996, Post Falls; contact B.R. Cothern at 208-772-3983.
For more information on military reunions, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Military Reunion News, P.O. Box 355, Bulverde, Texas, 78163-0355, or call (512) 438-4177.