Christmas Fund 1995 Welch Foundation Helps Out With Generosity Aplenty
A generous gift, a challenge and a bear hug!
Wednesday’s mail for The Spokesman-Review Christmas Fund held it all. What a great day.
The Welch Foundation Inc., a years-long Christmas Fund friend, donated $2,000 - an enormous boost to help make sure that everyone, regardless of income, can have a happy holiday this year.
Frederick Wilson, foundation administrator, wrote, “The Welch Foundation is pleased to again contribute to your Christmas Fund. We congratulate you for absorbing the entire cost of operating this fund.”
The Welch Foundation’s gift helped bring Wednesday’s total to $6,150, for a running total of $15,261.81 so far. A goal of $380,000 has been set.
Wilson’s comment about absorbing the operating costs is a definite plus to contributors, who can know that everything received for the Christmas Fund is spent on the Christmas Fund.
Another Christmas Fund bonus is the buying power of collected dollars. Being able to buy toys in quantity at wholesale prices makes each gift of money more powerful than it would be by itself.
Also in Wednesday’s total is a $500 check from the Southeast Spokane Lions Club whose members issued a challenge to other philanthropic clubs to match the amount.
Spokane County fairgoers help support the Southeast Lions’ charitable causes, including the Christmas Fund, whenever they buy something to eat at the group’s food booth. Others to benefit from the humanitarian club include those who cannot afford to pay for eye examinations or glasses, Camp Easter Seal and the Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center.
Wednesday also brought the loving bear hug delivered each year by Dideybear from Babyland Diaper Service. Not that we’re suspicious, but without that annual hug, the Christmas Fund would tremble in its Santa boots. This year, the owners and employees donated $200.
A $1,000 gift was donated by the Masonry Industry Group, 102 E. Boone. Kevin Krebs, executive director, wrote: “We believe this is a great cause and hope this brightens someone’s Christmas.”
Actually, the group’s contribution will help brighten the Christmas of more than a few people.
The Masonry Industry Promotion Fund comprises the Mason Contractors Association of Spokane, Bricklayers Union Local No. 3, Laborers Union Locals 238 and 348, and the Union Mason Constructors in Eastern Washington and North Idaho.
The Spokane Valley Kiwanis Club gave $250 to the Christmas Fund, which buys toys for every child in low-income families that apply for holiday help, along with food vouchers to make it easier to prepare a more festive holiday meal.
Other gifts include $200 from one anonymous woman and $150 from another. Victor G. Cole, 2406 W. Decatur, donated $120; Yvonne and Sid Piper sent $100 in memory of Carl L. Turner. Helen McDonald, 1224 W. Riverside, contributed $100, “because I appreciate knowing one-third goes to each of the three worthwhile groups bringing Christmas aid to unfortunate folks.”
Others contributing $100 were Maxine D. Abney, 8506 E. Boone; Mrs. N.G. Johanson, 633 N. Madelia, with “good wishes to those in need and to those who help”; Roger and Carol Palmberg, 6420 S. Pittsburg; Frances W. Jens, 1213 E. Lyons; and an anonymous donor.
Helen L. Duchow also sent $100 and wrote: “We have eight, going on nine, grandchildren and realize the importance of something special wrapped in bright Christmas paper.”
George and Donna Fisher, St. John, sent $80 and this note: “I always wanted to help out, but kept putting it off. I hope this helps some family have a better Christmas this year.”
Lorraine Agate sent $75 on behalf of the Spokane District L.P.N.A.; Prasti, Astrid and Michelle Vinje, 2011 W. Liberty, $60.
Those giving $50 were Richard R. Ringle, 1807 W. Northridge Ct.; Margaret C. Phillips, 857 E. Lyons; Robert and Janet Lang, 12032 S. Player; Lloyd and M. Ellen Devore, Lind; Bob and Elaine Beers, 1716 E. South Riverton; Kathryn Weber, 2232 S. Forest Estates Dr.; Robert and Diana Elder, 2908 N. Rivista Dr., “to make a happier Christmas for some folks less fortunate than us”; and four anonymous donors.
John and Barbara Anderson, 2311 W. 16th, gave $40; an anonymous donor, $35, “thankful I can help make someone’s Christmas a little brighter”; John W. Stocum of Diamond Carpet Cleaning, 3304 E. 16th, $25; and Ed and Pauline Carlson, 322 E. Cozza Dr., $25, with this note: “It is a pleasure to be a part of helping those who are struggling to have a better Christmas. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Come on Spokane, let’s show them how big your heart is. God bless.”
Jacqueline Eide, Odessa, $20; Danish Sisterhood 117, $10 in honor of Clara Larsen, who died Nov. 25; and Aida Lou Colwell, Mead, $10.
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