Where you grow up dictates the food you like, doesn’t it? President James A. Garfield was exceedingly fond of squirrel soup. He came from Ohio. President John Quincy Adams craved codfish pie. He came from Massachusetts.
Ever know anybody called “Troyal”? That’s Garth Brooks’ first name.
Pollsters had the gall to ask numerous guests at numerous weddings whether they thought the numerous marriages would last, and 64 percent said, No way, sooner or later: divorce! Or words to that effect. Insensitive! Would you invite people like that to your next wedding?
Q. Wasn’t the 1980 murder of John Lennon the first of those celebrity stalking cases?
A. Not quite. In 1949, a woman who’d never met baseball player Eddie Waitkus, set a place for him at her dinner table every night, then shot him in his hotel room. Maybe you saw a fictionalized version of it in Robert Redford’s “The Natural.”