Q. Can birds of prey taste their food?
A. Maybe, but scientists aren’t sure. A raptor has fewer than a hundred taste buds; a human, thousands.
Q. Way back when, how many buffalo could a good hunter kill in a day? How much money did he get for it?
A. Maybe 100 to 150 at $3 a hide.
Anybody in your family over 80 years old? If so, note said seasoned citizen was born before the Japanese got karate.
Early manuscripts were inscribed on dried sheepskin - called mottled parchment - or on dried calfskin - called vellum. Parchment was fairly easy to come by. Vellum was special, very special.
A precisionist says 5,776 stars are visible without telescopes from Earth.
Not even one American in 100 is a true vegetarian.
In ancient battle, the Irish unnerved the Romans. The northern Celts took off all their clothes except sandals and neck ornament and rushed forward howling weirdly over the skirl of pipers. Fighting naked was the Celts’ head game.
That far more women than men buy men’s ties was reported. Client asks how many such ties are taken back to the stores for exchange. Only one in 100. The ingrate.