Official Records
Marriage Licenses
Alfred S. McFarland II and Sonia J. Ganley, both of Spokane.
Derek R. Dobell of Delta, British Columbia, and Jin Park of Spokane.
Todd A. Warnick and Mary A. House, both of Spokane.
William F. Ritter and Angie L. Ulrigg, both of Spokane.
Joel T. San Nicolas and Jennifer L. Roberg, both of Nine Mile Falls.
In the Courts
Superior Courts New Suits
The Delaney dba Delaney Apartments vs. Fred Penland, seeking restitution of premises.
Proto Manufacturing vs. Lockhart Technologies, complaint for breach of contract and monies due.
Peter T. Zografos D.C. dba North Pines Chiropractic Clinic vs. Kiemle and Hagood, complaint for breach of implied covenant.
Oscar and Laura Kanzler vs. state Department of Transportation and Gerald T. Okihara, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
Gregg R. Dikes vs. Lisa M. Cowee, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
Shawn and Tawni Wright vs. JBC Towing, et al., seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
David and Janet King vs. Vernon L. Elder, Shyla M. Evans, Linda D. Duckett, Tomlinson North, Inc. and Harlan Hegler, complaint for property damage.
Tim and Linda Szymanowski vs. Parkland Homes, Inc. and Insurance Co. of the West, complaint for breach of construction contract and for judgment of construction bond.
Western United Life Assurance Co. vs. Angela G. Perry, complaint for breach of contract, declaratory relief, conversion, specific performance and injunctive relief.
Western United Life Assurance Co. vs. Scott J. Carpenter, complaint for breach of contract, declaratory relief, conversion, specific performance and injunctive relief.
Jim Mulvaney vs. Holy Family Hospital and DVC, Inc. dba Eco-
Star Systems Co., complaint for breach of contract.
Marriage Dissolution Petitions
Summers, Richard A. and Kjolseth-Summers, Brenda
Heckathorn, Katrina and Michael V.
Thomas, Sandra L. and Aaron B.
Bledsoe, Ronald W. and Judith L.
Marriage Dissolution Granted
Domiani, Mark A. and Diane K.
Bradley, Rodney and Mary D.
Johnson, Russell and Patricia
Canfield, Kenneth R. and Joanne E.
Wenzel, Michael T. and Sabrina A.
Criminal Sentencings Judge Kenneth H. Kato
Deanna Lynn Mogan, 31; $1,000 fine, 21 months in prison with credit given with one day served, delivery of a controlled substance-cocaine.
Federal Courts New Suits
Maynard James vs. Farm Service Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, appeal of administrative decision.
Bankruptcy Petitions
John D. and Aleta R. Casciaro, Edwall, Wash., debts of $138,666.
Stewart W. Lukenbill, 2211 E. Desmet, debts of $6,441.
Ruby M. Barker, Wenatchee, debts of $9,952.
Brian L. Shaver, Moses Lake, debts of $16,223.
Dwayne E. and Blanca E. Baez, Kennewick, debts of $54,870.
Robert E. and Liann R. Hamilton, Kennewick, debts of $85,416.
William B. and Diane L. Kruiswyk, Mead, debts of $180,950.
Jodee A. Christner, 1404 E. Sanson, debts of $72,049.
Loren P. and Debra K. Kerr, 6019 N. Belt, debts of $87,821.
Casey H. and Dody D. Bertram, 3915 W. Longfellow, debts of $29,635.
Donald R. Michael Jr., 1603 N. Willow Road, debts of $60,534.
Roger L. and Sherry R. Taylor, 3104 N. Park, debts of $9,559.
Marjorie A. Simpson, 7719 N. Washington Drive, debts of $19,849.
Deborah K. Yoke, 10803 E. 30th, debts of $41,966.
Glenn A. Gredvig, 9024 N. Country Homes, debts of $61,926.
Charles J. and Mary J. Rickerson, 3721 W. Elmhurst, debts of $180,907.
Kelly’s Premium Snack Foods Co., 5620 E. 1st, debts unspecified.
Wage Earner Petitions
Chad M. Moses, 417 E. Wabash, debts of $13,469.
Tamra L. Hively, 2102 W. Broadway, debts of $160,994.
Walter D. Weaver, Kennewick, debts unspecified.
Reorganization Petitions District Courts
Only fines or forfeitures of $75 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.
Judge Richard J. Richard
Shawn M. Gallo, 25; $200 fine reinstated, driving while intoxicated.
Dominic Colis, 32; $100 fine, 12 months’ probation, pedestrian interference.
David W. Dalton, 32; $100 fine reinforced, 12 months’ probation, resisting arrest.
Roland W. Finney, 21; $150 fine, 12 months’ probation, refusal to cooperate or give information.
Shawn M. Gallo, 25; $100 fine, driving while intoxicated.
Glen J. Long, 35; $150 fine, liability insurance required.
James L. Robertson Jr., 38; $925 fine, 365 days in jail with 335 days suspended, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated and third-degree driving with license suspended.
Steven R. Morris, 33; $685 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Sam F. Cozza
Gregory B. Jackson, 38; $925 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
John C. Kelley, 24; $100 fine, 24 months’ probation, willful violation of a court order.
Robert S. Lebeck, 31; $1,325 fine, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Richard B. White
Robert P. Hobson, 36; $500 fine, thirddegree driving with license suspended.
Judge Richard B. White
David R. Pence, 23; $475 fine, negligent driving.
Carol A. Zumer, 50; $600 fine, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Daniel T. Maggs
Serina A. Roberson, 23; $100 fine, 18 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
, DataTimes