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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

When street conversationalists get their teeth into a language, they usually chew it down. Consider the baseball name that went from “Cincinnati Red Stockings” to “Redlegs” to “Reds.” But sometimes the talkers add an unnecessary syllable to regulate the rhythm. “Early” needs no help in print, but when voiced, it oftentimes winds up as “early on.”

You know how aspirin thins the blood? Researchers now say that old dosage for all ailments, cod liver oil, does, too.

Cut off a newt’s leg and it will grow another. Put out a newt’s eye and it will grow another. Every part of a newt can regenerate.

Item No. 1151A in our Love and War man’s files is this contention of a matrimonial counselor: “If neither the husband nor the wife ever doubts the other’s common sense, the marriage probably will work.”

Ancient Chinese who raised silkworms kept dogs at a distance in the belief that their barking upset the worms.