Express Yourself With Bold Colors
Neon colors are very hot this winter. Here’s your chance to break free and express yourself colorfully. What to do with all that black in your closet? Don’t abandon it. With all this color on top you’ll want a neutral background, so pair a bright blazer with a black skirt or pants. Chadwick’s of Boston has an array of blazers in 17 colors. They’re sure to have a color to two that you just can’t live without.
Designer version
Orange wool flannel blazer by Bloomingdales, $149.98
Black turtleneck by DKNY Essentials, $165
Black wool unlined wrap skirt by DKNY Essentials, $195
Total: $509.98
Dress For Less version
Orange wool lined blazer by Savannah, $59
Black cotton ribbed turtleneck sweater by Stephanie Andrews, $24
Black wool flannel skirt by Savannah, $29
Total: $112
Above items from Chadwick’s of Boston catalog
To receive a Chadwick’s of Boston catalog, call (800) 405-3640.
MEMO: All of the best looks and fashion bargains featured in this column are available in book form. Send $9.95 to Dress For Less, 177 Sound Beach Ave., Suite 6, Old Greenwich, CT 06870. For info about catalogs mentioned here, send a SASE to the same address.