Heacox-Rhodes Christian Rhodes, Veradale, and Robert Brandon Heacox, Spokane, plan to marry June 22.
Renfrow-Grimm Holly Grimm and Tony Renfrow, both of Spokane, plan to marry Aug. 3.
Miller-Livingston Lynee Livingston, Post Falls, and Jerrod Miller, Spokane, plan to marry July 27.
Edwards-Laws Monica Ann Laws, Otis Orchards, and Keith Edwards, Augusta, Ga., plan to marry June 15.
Spickard-Perdue Patricia Perdue, Spokane, and Douglas Spickard, Glendale, Calif., plan to marry Aug. 10.
Morton-Blacker Shana Marie Blacker and Clinton Dean Morton, both of Beaverton, Ore., plan to marry May 4.
France-Bryan Amber Bryan, Spokane, and Matthew France, Hartford, Conn., plan to marry July 13.
Stocker-Lusher Tamara Lusher, Glendale, Calif., and Michael Stocker, Los Angeles, Calif., plan to marry March 30.
Holder-Dorge Lisa Dorge, Kent, Wash., and Michael Holder, Kent (formerly of Spokane), plan to marry June 1.
Pfister-Paragamian Laura Jean Paragamian, Coeur d’Alene, and Daniel Pfister, Post Falls, plan to marry in June.