Legislative Calendar
Major legislative action scheduled for this week in Olympia includes:
10 a.m., House Hearing Room B, House Commerce and Labor committee, public hearing to discuss HB2322 to provide exemptions from industrial insurance to persons under age 21 employed on family farms.
1:30 p.m., Senate Hearing Room 1, public hearing on ESSB5530 to authorize the use of photo radar.
8 a.m., House Hearing Room A, House Education Committee public hearing on HB2157 to change requirements for admission to teacher preparation programs.
8 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 4, Senate Human Services and Corrections committee public hearing on SB6137 to provide tax credits as an incentive for employer-sponsored child care benefits.
8 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 1, Senate Government Operations committee public hearing on SB6201, which would let voters in all counties write their own laws by initiative, or overturn county ordinances by referendum.
10 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 4, Senate Health and Long Term Care committee public hearing on SB6119 to allow consumers to be reimbursed for purchase of prescription drugs under their medical plan, no matter where they buy them.
10 a.m., House Hearing Room E, House Corrections Committee public work session for HB2165 which mandates inmate hard labor chain gangs.
8 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 1, Senate Government Operations committee public hearing on SB6108 to lower senior citizens’ property taxes.
3:30 p.m., House Hearing Room A, House Appropriations committee public work session on a bill to restrict the amount of time people could stay on welfare.
8 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 4, Senate Human Services and Corrections public work session on bills that would break the State Department of Social and Health Services into separate agencies.
8 a.m., House Hearing Room E, House Children and Family Services committee public hearing on HB2217 to make to it a crime to harbor a runaway.
8 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 1, Senate Government Operations committee public hearing on SB6104 to require the State Budget Office to estimate the cost of every initiative, and make those estimates available to the public.
10 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 4, Senate Health and Long Term Care committee public hearing on SB6278 lowering insurance premium rates for individuals.
1:30 p.m., House Hearing Room A, House Law and Justice Committee public hearing on HB2267 to restrict the sale or display of books or sound recordings deemed harmful to minors.
8 a.m., House Hearing Room E, House Corrections committee public hearing on HB2320 to make certain sex offenders subject to a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole after two offenses.
8 a.m., House Hearing Room B, House Government Operation committee public hearing on HB2196 to limit terms for statewide elected officials.
10 a.m., House Hearing Room C, House Higher Education committee public hearing on HB2304 to require dependent children to attain 12 college credits before they may receive a state need grant.