Q. What’s the oldest human invention?
A. “Knot tying,” some say. If you accept that, you may also accept the notion that every child starts with one of the creative basics just by learning to tie a shoelace.
When Horace Wilcox laid out Hollywood’s town plan in 1888, he decreed only non-drinkers could settle there. Append here whatever snide remark comes to mind.
Perfume tests suggest that girls under age 8 most prefer whatever smells like strawberries.
History records that in India’s great famine of 1630-31, cannibalism became so rampant that human flesh was sold in open market.
Q. What’s a horse’s “brills”?
A. The hair on its eyelids.
Q. Some body-clock watchers say a person is most susceptible to alcohol at noon. When do they say a person’s sex drive is at its highest?
A. About 7 a.m., they aver. Research goes on.
Understand bowling balls with a gripping resin surface are out. Better to grab the wood for a harder hook.
Countless ancient boaters died of weather wounds along Florida’s southern tip. Bodies from reef wrecks washed ashore. The name “Key West” had nothing to do with “west.” It came from the Spanish “Cayo Hueso” meaning “Island of Bones.”
Q. Which of our states have coastlines on three different seas?
A. Only Alaska - Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
In Africa’s Ivory Coast, correspondents report, toilet paper is sold under brand names adapted from the titles of TV soap operas: “Santa Barbara …” “Dallas …”
Just about every medieval castle had a kitchen with a fireplace big enough to spit roast a whole ox.
Running a little late in reporting this, but contrary to the widely believed rumors of the 1600s, potatoes do not transmit leprosy.
Eighteen of the 50 top-rated shows ever on TV were Super Bowls.
U.S. Navy frogmen are put through a course on how to kill other frogmen. Manuals refer to it as the “swimmer nullification program.”