It’s A Golden Anniversary For Kaiser Aluminum Corp.
Kaiser Aluminum Corp. this week is celebrating its 50th anniversary in Spokane.
George Haymaker Jr., Kaiser’s chairman and chief executive officer, speaks at community luncheon on Wednesday at the Ridpath Hotel.
In other events this week:
US West Communications President Sol Trujillo will discuss the impacts of the telecommunications deregulation at a luncheon in the Spokane Convention Center. The event begins at noon.
U.S. Commerce Department releases May business inventories.
Washington State University scientists Steve Jones and Tim Murray speak at a 6 p.m. winter wheat and plant pathology field trial at the Norbert Niehenke Farm in Colton, Wash. Call John Burns at 509-397-6290.
Idaho Wheat Commission meets in Burley, Idaho, to discuss 1997 officers, karnal bunt, commercializing hard white wheat and a market overview of wheat supply and demand. Call 209-334-2353.
Gary Bates, a certified instructor with the Washington Association of Realtors, will discuss the tax advantages of like-kind real estate exchanges, charitable remainder trusts and “bargain sales” with the Spokane Chapter of the Washington Association of Accountants at noon at Cavanaugh’s River Inn. Cost is $10. Call 624-6808 for reservations.
U.S. Labor Department releases June consumer prices.
Federal Reserve releases June industrial production.
Washington-Idaho Dry Pea & Lentil commissions meet at 8 a.m. in Moscow. Call 208-882-3023.
The Washington Department of Revenue will hold a workshop for new businesses to explain how to report state taxes. The class will run from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 4407 N. Division in the Eighth Floor Training Room. For registration or information, call 482-3800.
U.S. Commerce Department releases June housing starts.
Business After Hours opens at 5:15 p.m. at Wonderland Golf & Games, 10515 N. Division. Cost: $5. Call 459-4111.
U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists Fred Muehlbauer and Richard Short speak at an 8 a.m. pea, lentil and chickpea field tour at the BNP Lentil Co. in Farmington, Wash. Call John Burns at 509-397-6290.
U.S. Commerce Department releases June international trade.
United States Air and Trade Show begins two-day run in Ohio. , DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Graphic: Measuring the Economy - Aluminum prices
MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: ON THE SHELF Business Week, July 15: The inside story of how exploding popularity of the Internet forced Bill Gates to reverse his corporate strategy at Microsoft. In just six months, Microsoft reinvented itself around the Internet. Inc., July: Major cities such as New York and Los Angeles remain the best places to do business, the magazine argues. Lashing out Workplace violence is increasing, says a survey for the Society for Human Resource Management. Nearly half of the 1,000 human resource managers surveyed said one or more violent incidents had occurred in their workplaces since Jan. 1, 1994. A similar survey in 1993 found a third of managers reporting workplace violence. Most of the violence, 57 percent, was employee to employee.