No Drugs Found In School Search
Authorities made a surprise drug search at Sandpoint High School Monday, using a drug-sniffing dog to check 200 lockers.
The dog caught a suspicious scent by 25 lockers that were marked and then searched by city officers. No drugs were found in any of the lockers.
“This is something we had planned for some time and was done at the request of the school district,” said Sandpoint Police Chief Bill Kice. “It was a random check and basically a wake-up call to keep students honest.”
The Bonner County School District has made the drug searches routine. In the past few years Sandpoint High School, which has about 1,100 students, has been searched three times. Drug sweeps also have been conducted at Sandpoint Middle School and Clark Fork High School. Kice said Monday’s search was planned before eight dogs and a team of law enforcement officers did a massive drug search in Coeur d’Alene.
In that effort more than 600 cars were examined in the parking lots at Coeur d’Alene and Lake City high schools.
, DataTimes