Sen. Crow Says He’ll Run Again
Sen. Gordon Crow, R-Hayden, announced Thursday that he will seek re-election to his District 3 seat.
Crow said he wants to see North Idaho issues highlighted in a Legislature dominated by southeastern Idaho issues. He credited himself, and Sen. Clyde Boatright, R-Rathdrum, for accomplishing that during the last two sessions.
Among his own first-term accomplishments, Crow cited:
Sponsoring the Resort Counties bill and playing a key role in passage of impact fee legislation. Both became law, and are important tools in helping Kootenai County’s explosive population growth pay for itself, he said.
Sponsoring the Idaho Site Remediation Act. Commonly known as brownfields legislation, it is meant to clean up the environment while allowing property owners to develop land idled by pollution.
Co-sponsoring amendments to the Administrative Procedures Act, which reigned in the authority of non-elected officials.
Fighting for passage of legislation that reduced property taxes by more than $40 million statewide.
No one has announced plans to run against Crow.
, DataTimes