Hints From Heloise
Dear Heloise: My problem: caring for roses, as a new gardener. I have a problem with black spots on the leaves. Is there anything I can use to prevent these black spots? Because of allergies, I try to use the minimum amount of chemicals.
Thanking you in advance for any help. - Black spots in Beaumont, Texas
Your question took me to Terry Lewis, our favorite landscape architect, and he shared the following information with us.
Black spots on the leaves usually indicate a fungus. Go to your favorite local garden-supply store and look for a fungicide especially for roses. Follow the directions on the packaging and this should solve your problem.
For other rose problems, there are great books specifically on roses that should answer any of your questions and many have homemade environmentally friendly solutions. I use my book all the time. There are even rose societies in many cities that deal with all types of issues dealing with roses. See if there’s one in your area and join. - Heloise