Now moving in a most muscular manner in the liquor markets of Great Britain, correspondents report, is “alcoholic lemonade.”
Only on the end of its tail does a hippopotamus have any hair.
Q. Why did Los Angeles libraries take “Tarzan” off the shelves in 1929?
A. The decision makers of the time thought it unseemly that Tarzan and Jane lived together unmarried.
The mayor of Cubato, Brazil, won’t live there. Neither will birds. Nor even most of the native insects. Not anymore. Too polluted.
Q. What proportion of the men would rather be women and vice versa?
A. One out of every 25 men wish they’d been born female. One out of every six women would have preferred to have been male. Those are the pollsters’ figures. Margin for error: huge.
Bee queens are fertilized once by male partners that die after the first and only mating. Likewise ant queens. But termite queens are different. They’re fertilized regularly by the same mates for life.