Letters To The Editor
Behring sticks it to fans again
I doubt Ken Behring had the power to create the earthquake that terminated the Mariners-Cleveland baseball game and caused temporary concern among Seattle sports fans. I am also sure that if within his power, and given his animosity towards Seattle fans, who openly express their dislike for the “Toad of California,” he would bring the Kingdome down without remorse!
Not being able to accomplish that, he has found another way to stick it to discontented Hawks fans.
Having been a Seahawks season-ticket holder for several years, I am familiar with past procedures for collection of season-ticket costs. Half of the cost was always due in March, with the balance due in July.
Good old Ken, being unable to bill season-ticket holders in March due to the uncertainty of where the Hawks would be playing, lost money he would have had available to sign drafted and free-agent players. That, in addition to any interest he would have earned.
Now, in order to recoup those losses as well as get a pound of flesh from the Seahawks faithful, he has raised seat prices and demands payment in full for season tickets prior to the end of May. Notices to that effect were not received by us until the first week in May.
This will place a financial burden that many will be unable to meet. Several may have to give up their tickets, or cut other financial obligations in order to dig up the increased costs on short notice.
The delay in getting out notifications was the fault of Ken Behring, not the fans! As usual, it will be the fans who suffer! Behring will recoup his losses with extra interest earned on money received and banked two months earlier than usual. Bennie J. Benson Spokane
Ode to the Sonics
My impression of why the Seattle Sonics are still alive is that the end of the world as we know it is coming. How else do you explain that earthquake that rocked Seattle?
Is nothing sacred anymore? I thought the two things we could count on were: Christmas on Dec. 25 and the Sonics out of the playoffs by the second week in May.
A short poem on the Sonics’ heroics:
The earth was a shakin’
Because for the first time in the playoffs, it wasn’t the Sonics who were quakin’
Yes, Seattle’s pride and joy finally didn’t choke
It was such a revelation that the earth nearly broke
That earthquake wasn’t a natural act
It was because the Sonics finally showed some tact
For once they weren’t playing for show
Because of this, into the second round the Sonics finally go
The ground shook out of mere shock
That the Sonics were the more mature team on the block
It’s time to rejoice and even cheer
Because the Sonics are usually watching television at this time of the year Eric Hirata Pullman