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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

If it’s not alive, the praying mantis won’t eat it.

It has been established as fact that the more money a young man earns, the more eager he is to get married, but the opposite is true of the young woman, typically.

Heavy cream is lighter than light milk.

Please direct your attention now to your intestinal tract. Disease organisms therein mix and mingle, constantly trading genes. Claim is more genetic engineering goes on in there than in all the world’s biotech labs. Thank you.

Eye doctors say age-related cataracts can start as early as 40.

Q. In the Grand National Steeplechase of 1953, jockey Mickey Morrissey started on a horse called “Another.” It threw him. So he jumped onto a passing empty-saddle horse called Royal Student. Where’d Morrissey finish?

A. Last. If you know of any other jockey who started on one and finished on another, name same, please.

Frederick the First said simply: “The surest way to destroy a state is to have it governed by professors.”

A shark is 5 percent denser than water, so it’d sink if it didn’t flip its tail. Whoosh, and up jumps that extra 5 percent for buoyancy plus a measure more for locomotion. Being denser than water is not much of a handicap, I guess - unless maybe you’re taking an SAT.

The male porcupine in mating season has been heard to bark like a dog, mew like a cat and moan like a satisfied lover.

Phosphates in laundry soap feed plant life. Too well. When washed into wetlands, they biodegrade immediately, and algae grows so quickly, all else dies.

Averagers report the typical “lunch hour” lasts 36 minutes.

The tongue of that bird called the toucan is too short for its beak, so it has to juggle its food to swallow same.

Back when Charlotte, N.C., was the gold-mining center of the United States…. What? You didn’t know it ever was? Indeed. Before the westerly Rush of 1849.

A fly that eats nothing but sugar will never lay eggs.

A Boston law makes it a crime to bathe more frequently than once a week. A Kentucky law makes it a crime to bathe less frequently than once a year.

Client writes: “Kites got their start in China around 400 B.C., but didn’t make it to Europe until the late 1500s. Why not? No wind?”

England’s Parliament debated at length in the late 1700s in a failed attempt to outlaw lipstick.

Sperm whales near the ocean surface see better upside down.

In Jamaica, speed bumps are called sleeping policemen.

If you order your coffee “regular,” you’ll get it black on West Coast flights, but with cream and sugar on East Coast flights, says a seasoned attendant.

Q. Aren’t all our states’ laws based on British Common Law?

A. Except Louisiana’s. They’re from the Napoleonic Code.

Oldtimey weather prognosticators say you’ll know it won’t rain if you see morning dew on the spider webs.