A typical human skeleton weighs about 10 pounds.
Q. What’s the difference between a nautical mile and a land mile?
A. Just 800 feet. Nautical mile - 6,080. Land mile - 5,280.
What you see depends on what you hear. Not entirely. Somewhat. To make this point, medicos who specialize in hearing problems say table tennis champions can’t play worth a hoot wearing ear plugs.
Q. Where was the old Roman province of Lusitania?
A. In what’s now Portugal plus some of Spain.
French bicycle racers wanting better traction traditionally insisted on bike tires made of silk.
Word is that “Frisco” originally was not the short, unacceptable form of “San Francisco,” but 19th-century Norwegian sailor slang from an ancient Islandic word for “sheltered harbor.”
Before mating, male and female squirrel monkeys gaze into each other’s eyes, researchers have noted. Presumably, it’s a sort of silent question-and-answer ritual. These monkeys, they’ve noted further, also gaze into each other’s eyes after mating. That’s a silent question-and-answer ritual, too, evidently. Your assignment: What are the questions? What are the answers?