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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outstanding Warrants

Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office has a backlog of more than 800 outstanding arrest warrants. Officials are asking the public for any information about the following people, who are identified by name, age, last known city of residence, the charge and the bond amount on the warrant. If you have any information, contact the sheriff’s department at (208) 556-1114.

John E. Lund - 51, Blachly, Ore., driving under the influence, expired driver’s license, $1,047 bond.

Charles D. Lunger Jr. - 37, Wallace, driving under the influence, driving without privileges, $547 bond.

Eric P. Luoma - 31, Smelterville, exhibition of a deadly weapon, $500 bond.

Kelly M. Lyden - 25, Spokane, driving under the influence, possessing false driver’s license, $164 bond.

Kenneth R. Madison - 30, Benelia, Calif., driving under the influence, failure to purchase a driver’s license, $2,000 bond.

Peter A. Madsen - 32, Smelterville, driving under the influence, driving while suspended, $325 bond.

Connie M. Malmquist - 42, Kingston, expired driver’s license, $62 bond.

Dezie L. Maltos - 25, Kellogg, minor consuming alcohol, disturbing the peace, $132 bond.

Gary D. Marquess - 29, Kellogg, resisting arrest, inattentive driving, driving while suspended, $748 bond.

Michael S. Martin - Bakersfield, Calif., driving under the influence, driving while suspended, $566 bond.

Michael W. Martin - 37, Wallace, driving while suspended, $500.

David A. Martinez - 29, Pablo, Mont., driving without privileges, $566 bond.

Jocelyn R. Martinson - 44, Eugene, Ore., careless driving, $100 bond.

Quinn M. Martz - 19, Wallace, minor consuming alcohol, detention warrant, no bond.

Ronald M. Mason - 34, Pinehurst, careless driving, failure to stay at the scene of a damage accident, $188 bond.

Darryl M. Matlen - 27, Airway Heights, invalid driver’s license, $100 bond.

Dennis Eugene McAdams - 31, Wallace, obstructing justice, $300.

Frederick J. McCloud - 22, Kellogg, attempt to purchase alcohol, $100.

Deanna J. McFarland - 54, Wallace, failure to stop for a school bus, $126.

Most contempt warrants can be taken care of by contacting the Shoshone County courthouse and paying an outstanding fine.

, DataTimes