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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Ticker A Look Back At The Past Week On Wall Street

What’s hot

With the Dow breaking through the 7,000 mark this week, there was a host of hot stocks fueling the drive. TWA Inc. and British Airways took advantage of competitor American Airlines’ problems Thursday. TWA rose 18-3/4 cents to $6.50 while British Airways was up $1.37-1/2 to $97.62-1/2. They both rose more Friday, finishing the week at $6.56-1/2 and $100 respectively. … Conseco Inc., the large Indiana-based insurance company, has endured second guessing recently for its decisions to make highly leveraged acquisitions. But, according to the Wall Street Journal, analysts are changing their minds and talking the stock up. Which is what it did Thursday, $2.12-1/2. Friday was more of the same, as it rose $2 more to $41.87-1/2.

What’s not

It wasn’t all good news though, especially at Sigma Designs Inc., which is having trouble getting the computer chips it needs. The stock dropped $3.12-1/2 Friday, ending the week at $5.87-1/2. … Discount Auto Parts got bad news of a different sort, learning this week it was being sued by competitor Airgas. Discount is accused of racketeering activity involving the sale of R-12 refrigerant gas. Discount dropped $5.12-1/2 Thursday before rebounding 62-1/2 cents Friday to close at $14.