Mystery Ailment Forces Evacuation Of 911 Center
Seattle emergency services dispatchers evacuated their 911 center in the city’s Public Safety Building this morning because something was making them ill.
Fire Department medics checked three dispatchers who complained this morning of headaches, nausea, burning eyes and a metallic taste in the mouth.
Nine other dispatchers were taken to Harborview Medical Center Wednesday night with similar complaints. Seven were treated and released and two were kept for observation, a hospital spokeswoman said.
Dispatch center director Randy Tibbs said he had to call in replacements and cut down on some routine activities to maintain service overnight.
The dispatch center was moved to a backup location this morning, fire Capt. Randy Hansen said.
There has been a problem at the 911 center for the last couple of months with some unknown fumes making a few people sick, Hansen said.
Investigators from the state Department of Labor and Industries will check out the Public Safety Building to see if they can determine the cause of the mystery illness.