Hints From Heloise
Dear Heloise: I must not be the only one who puts off doing hand-washables. The other day, while filling the clothes washer, I had an idea.
Why not use that water to hand-wash the few things you have. Even with the clothes in there, there is still enough room to wash a pair of hose or a blouse or two.
Don’t mind doing them anymore! - Marcia Lehrman, Brownsburg, Ind.
Sounds like you’re conserving water also. After hand-washing things in the washer, just put them in a container and rinse in the sink. You’re right, nothin’ to it. - Heloise
Dear Heloise: When using the roller cores from paper towels to store plastic grocery bags, cover the cores with self-adhesive shelf paper to make them match the drawers in the kitchen, so they are not thrown out as trash by some unsuspecting kitchen helper. - G. Oliver, Dallas
Thanks for a clever problem solver! - Heloise