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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: To recycle plastic milk jugs, run an old pair of nylon hose through the handles and knot. Many can be carried at a time. - Pearl Brenton, Indianapolis

Dear Heloise: Life has its small daily problems, but I solved one for me and hopefully for others.

I was always forgetting to charge my cell phone at night. To solve this I now toss my phone on my pillow as I change out of my work clothes, and I always remember to plug it in for the night! Works for me! - Kathie Bomareto, Rapid City, S.D.

Dear Heloise: Whenever I go on a one-day trip, I make myself a lunch. I usually have a slice of tomato in my sandwich. To prevent my sandwich from getting soggy, I put my tomato in between the ham and the cheese. This can also be good for anyone who uses sliced pickles or roasted peppers.

- Stephen Sokolski, Union, N.J.