Land-Use Change To Go Before Council
A request by developer Harlan Douglass to change the land-use plan for 46 acres on the northwest corner of Crestline Street and Lincoln Road will be heard by the City Council Monday.
Douglass wants to change the designation from industrial to low-density residential.
Changes to the land-use plan proceed first through the planning commission, then to the City Council. In this case, the planning commission has recommended the change be denied.
According to his application, Douglass wants to build a clustered apartment complex called Prairie Hills on the parcel. The complex will be part of his proposed 209-acre Grayhawk project.
As proposed, Grayhawk will include apartments, manufactured housing, a planned unit development, neighborhood parks, a commercial strip called the Market Place, and an industrial complex.
The proposed project is next to Cedar Creek Estates with 700 multi-family units and 300 lots for single family development, all south of Lincoln Road. The were all approved since the land was annexed in 1994. , DataTimes