Wanted: Public Input On New Nic President
North Idaho College is inviting people to participate in the search for its next president.
School trustees, who will make the choice, are setting up a search committee co-chaired by trustees Jeanne Givens and Sheila Wood.
The group’s 30 members will represent a cross-section of the community. Participants will be required to attend at least four meetings over six months before candidate interviews take place.
One of the first assignments will be to meet in early August with a presidential search consultant from the Association of Community College Trustees.
The committee will include two representatives each from the student body, faculty and staff; and one member each from the NIC Foundation, Booster Club and Alumni Association. It also will include representatives of community organizations, which will be invited to nominate members.
Because of the difficulty in reaching all elected officials and women’s groups, school officials said, individuals from those groups who are interested in serving should contact the college.
Anyone with questions may contact trustee Givens at 664-0707.
, DataTimes MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: HELP PICK PRESIDENT Six positions on the search committee will be reserved for community members at large. Those interested should send their names before July 23 to Steve Schenk, Dean of College Relations, North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene 83814. They should list their preference for meeting times.