Q. On which side of the street do people drive in the world’s five biggest countries?
A. United States, Russia and China on the right. India and Indonesia on the left.
Many said photography would wipe out painting as an art form. Some say it didn’t.
History records that certain Romans tortured selected sorry souls to death by tickling. Whether that’s fact or fancy, I dare not vow, but it’s written they strapped down their victims, poured brine over the condemneds’ feet, and let goats lick it off, repeatedly, until the punished parties perished, laughing.
Popular Science reports that an average of 75 U.S. military fliers eject every year, and half suffer injuries.
Sailors say many a seabird goes about its briny business seemingly undiscomfited by the tail of a fish sticking out of its bill. That happens when the swallowed fish is too long for immediate total digestion. But it gets shorter.
Among men are these five kinds of false lovers: 1. He who is in love with himself. 2. He who is in love with his mother. 3. He who is afraid of love. 4. He who relates love to conquest. And 5. He who craves the attention of love, as an emotional invalid wants a nurse, not a wife. So said that superior love and war expert, Dr. Paul Popenoe.