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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. Do birds have fleas?

A. As few as one in 10 does. And the few that do have few.

It’s said all significant social movements in the history of mankind began with one person plus one person who believed in that person.

A tea merchant in 1904 sent out sales samples in little muslin sacks. It ever occurred to him that the prospects would put sacks and all into the hot water. That they did, though. He still didn’t realize, not right away, that he’d just invented a multimillion dollar package now known as the tea bag.

If New York City had the same ratio of residents per square mile as Alaska, there’d be 14 people in Manhattan.

When you worry, if typical, you worry about what might happen or what might not happen. Whichever, turn it around to relieve anxiety. In Scotland, that’s common counsel. A Scottish proverb goes: “What may be, may not be.”

Why some scalp hairs may live only four months while others may live four years is another medical mystery.

Q. Can you name the Detroit blacksmith who did more for the long-haul trucking business than anybody else?

A. August Fruehauf. In 1915 he invented the semitrailer.