Letters To The Editor
Hockey stories appreciated
Dan Weaver’s coverage of the Whistler Hockey Games was very thorough and exciting to see.
Unlike other youth sports, such as football and baseball, youth hockey receives very little kudos from the press. Spokane American Youth Hockey Association (SAYHA) represents more than 600 hockey players on 42 teams. SAYHA is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers. Thousands of people come to Spokane from all over the U.S. and Canada for tournaments spoonsered by SAYHA.
We are very proud of all our skaters and goalies and appreciate the exposure. If any parent would like to have their child play hockey, or would like to sponsor a team, please call 327-7383 for more information. Cathii Nash (SAYHA secretary) Spokane
M’s broadcasts distracting
A couple of suggestions I hope will reach the Seattle radio station that broadcasts the Seattle Mariners ballgames:
Eliminate or greatly reduce the canned background crowd noise. It is very monotonous and distracting. Also, the sportscaster should spend more time describing the game being played and less time on other subjects. Robert G. Thomas Post Falls
Seahawks are appreciated
Great coverage of the Seattle Seahawks training camp.
The people involved in having the Seahawks train in our area are much appreciated. It is very kind, generous and wonderful of the management and players to do this. They treat the children so nice. It is heartwarming to see the players spending time with the youngsters.
Thanks again, Seahawks. See you in the Super Bowl. Lloyd L. Zimmerman Spokane
Bikes have road privileges
When Mr. Severtson (Letter to the Editor, July 20) drives his car across the state line into Washington, I hope that he is aware that in this state “bicyclists and motorists have the same rights, duties and responsibilities.” This is not my opinion but a direct quotation from page 50 of the Washington Driver’s Guide published by the State of Washington Department of Licensing.
Since 1991, bicycles have been classified as vehicles in Washington (RCW 46.04.670). I feel confident that the Washington State Patrol and the Washington State Department of Transportation will verify this information for him. Bicyclists’ use of the road is NOT subject to permission of motorists, contrary to Mr. Severtson’s opinion. Mr. Severtson seems to believe that the ‘right’ to use roads is earned by paying gasoline taxes and registration fees. In fact, driving is not a “right” but a privilege granted by the state. I ride a bicycle, Mr. Severtson, and I also own, license, insure, and buy fuel for three motor vehicles. I, too, have paid for the roads with my gasoline taxes and registration fees.
Mr. Severtson is correct about one thing, however. Bicycles do not burn gasoline. Every time I ride my bicycle to work, on an errand or for pleasure, I do not use any gasoline. I do not contribute to our worsening air pollution problem by burning fossil fuels or increasing particulates. I do not hasten the degradation of our already crumbling roadways or contribute to our steadily increasing traffic congestion. By maintaining a generally high level of fitness, I hope to postpone, decrease or avoid using costly medical resources so they will be available for Mr. Severtson when he needs them and so he can afford them when he does.
Mr. Severtson is unfortunately correct in another area. There is an essential inequality in any encounter between a bicycle and a car. The cyclist always loses. Please Mr. Severtson, educate yourself. We all must share the road.
If you cannot imagine the guilt of a motorist hitting a cyclist, imagine living with the loss. David O. Jones Spokane
In defense of bicycles
In response to Mr. Herbert Severtson’s letter regarding people’s “rights” when it comes to riding a bicycle on the highway, I would like to say that he is as wrong as Lou Pinella is every time he puts Norm Charlton in to save a game.
Mr. Severtson states that cyclists should not have the right to ride on the roads as they do not pay license fees for the highways, nor do they pay gasoline taxes. Well, I am fairly sure that Mr. Severtson does not pay an “air tax”, yet I dare say that he feels he has the right to breathe.
The reasons that Mr. Severtson gives are exactly why he should get out of his gas-guzzling, air-polluting, noise-making automobile and get out on a bike and enjoy what Spokane and Coeur d’ Alene most have to offer… . natural beauty. He might actually find that he enjoys it more than being cramped up in a car, as well as helping eliminate the toxification of the world around him.
Maybe Mr. Severtson should think a little less of himself and a little more of the other 400,000 people who live in the Eastern Washington and North Idaho area. One less car on the road will make it a little better and I have a sneaking suspicion that the government won’t miss his gas tax and license fees. Edward H. Browne Spokane