Liquor License
Kam B. and Andrea B. Kwong have been approved for a license to sell spirituous liquor, beer, and wine for on-premises consumption in conjunction with food sales for Ming Wah Restaurant, 1618 W. Third, Spokane.
Doc Holliday’s, Inc., has applied for a license to sell spirituous liquor by individual glass and/or beer and wine on-premises for Doc Holliday’s Steak House and Saloon, 3525 N. Division, Spokane.
The Washington State Liquor Control Board has imposed a monetary penalty of $250 which was paid by Dawn M. and Kevin F. Smathers. the licensee, or employee, was charged with allowing a person apparently under the influence of liquor to consume liquor on the licensed premises at Trax West, 5 W. Crawford, Deer Park.
Bill Johnson’s Auto Service, Inc., has applied for a license to sell beer and wine by the bottle or package off-premises at Bill Johnson’s Chevron, 2515 W. Wellesley, Spokane.