Q. Statisticians say 85 percent of all divorced people marry within five years. How many of those next marriages last?
A. About 40 percent.
The word “pandemonium” didn’t just evolve. Poet John Milton coined it as his name for the capital of hell.
Greater Tokyo is a little bigger than Connecticut.
A footnote in baseball lore says Yankees owner Jacob Ruppert put his New York team into pin stripes in the belief it would make Babe Ruth look thinner.
Q. How long do the experts say my broom handle should be?
A. Six inches longer than you are tall.
The special of the day in the United Nations dining room is always a dish from one of the member nations. When the menu has been through them all, it starts over.
To get the weight of your skin, divide your body weight by 16.
Deer are particularly fond of chewing gum.
Starving artists may long for the previous century, when some big newspapers sent not photographers but illustrators all over the world to draw what they saw. One such, Frank Vizetelly, was given a knapsack of cash and told to sketch the Civil War.