Cda Graduating Seniors Honored At Banquet
Coeur d’Alene High School recently held its Senior Awards and Recognition Banquet honoring students. The President’s Award for Educational Excellence was awarded to students who maintained a 3.5 grade-point average or higher and the Gold Cord Award went to students with a 3.2 grade-point average or above. Scholarships were also awarded. Recipients and their awards include:
Eryn Adams, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/Home Economics; Heather Addy, Gold Cord; Christine Babcock, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord; Sarah Ballinger-Bryant, Gold Cord; Curtis Banger, University of Idaho Alumni Association Scholarship; and Darren Baune, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, Marine Corps Top Scholar/ Scholastic, UI Alumni Association Scholarship, UI Academic Scholarship, UI Presidential Scholarship, Gonzaga University Regents Scholarship, Linfield College Faculty Scholarship.
Alana Beck, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, CHS Alumni Association Scholarship; Matthew Bennett, Gold Cord, UI A.E. Larson Scholarship; Justin Bessette, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord; Tonya Blood, UI Alumni Association Scholarship; Anna Bloxom, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/Special Services, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/Speech; and Brian Buckham, salutatorian, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, UI Alumni Association, UI Hecla Bunker Hill Scholarship, UI Idaho Mining Memorial, UI Presidential Scholarship, UI Zeigler Education Foundation Scholarships, John Friesz Scholarship, Parent Volunteer Organization Scholarship.
Stacy Chambers, valedictorian, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, Principal’s Leadership Award, North Idaho Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (NISTAR), Society of Women Engineers Certificate of Merit, Kootenai-Benewah Medical Alliance Scholarship, Linfield College Faculty Scholar, University of Puget Sound Presidential Scholarship, Coeur d’Alene Soccer Club Scholarship; and Vicki Chandler, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord.
Whitney Clute, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord; Sara Corbett, Gold Cord; Debbie Crabtree, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, Bismarck Turner Scholarship, UI Presidential Scholarship, Alpha Delta KappaAileen McCormick Memorial Scholarship, Marjorie C. Kinney Memorial Scholarship; and Carrie Cultra, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, Marine Corps Top Scholar/ Athlete, UI Alumni Association, UI Academic Scholarship, UI Presidential Scholarship, Pacific University Presidential Scholarship, Pacific University Community Service Scholarship, Carroll College Presidential Scholarship.
Michael Daum, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/ Industrial Technology; Melanie Day, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/ Spanish; and Tanna Day, valedictorian, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Gold Cord, UI Paul Bosted Memorial, UI Presidential Scholarship, CHS Departmental Scholastic Award/ Math.
More Coeur d’Alene High School senior awards recipients will be listed in future Achievements columns.
, DataTimes MEMO: Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The SpokesmanReview, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.