Q. Why is cocaine that’s cooked with baking soda called “crack”?
A. Makes a snapping sound when smoked.
Statistics indicate the states with the highest wage scales also report the highest marriage rates.
It has been noted in the publishing industry that if 99.9 percent were “good enough,” then 2.5 million books could be sent out with the wrong covers.
Q. In the magazine business, what’s a “kill fee”?
A. If a publisher commissions a writer to do a piece, then elects not to use it for whatever reason, custom dictates the writer be paid a “kill fee” for the time and effort, usually a third of the full price paid if the piece had been printed.
Contrary to previous report, “In Gold We Trust” has never appeared on a U.S. coin, according to William T. Gibbs, news editor, Coin World magazine. “I’m not sure where this myth arose,” he says, “but I’ve read it in a number of publications and references. It’s not true.”
Why so many more young men than young women commit suicide worldwide is something else the social scientists are looking into.
To promote dark beer, some Irish brewers from time to time advertise: “Black is beautiful.”